Alan Colmes--the dumber half of Hannity and Colmes--goes where no one could even have anticipated. Note this URL:
The link goes to a page that no longer exists but the URL tells us all we need to know.
Down Syndrome has nothing to do with pre-natal care as it is an extra chromosome that causes it. Colmes knows this--or should--but apparently chose to go down that nasty road.
Colmes needs to keep up his liberal bonafides since he's the main lib on Fox News so he must have decided to go where even the idiots at DU wouldn't venture. It shows alot about Colmes character that he deleted it and doesn't have the balls to stand by a post he wrote.
It also shows that for a person to presumably go to the "did Palin cause her son to be born with Down Syndrome" card. They must be really scared of her.
Hat tip: Hot Air.
Update: Nothing cached at Google.
Update: Here's a screen capture.
Update: Thanks to Charles for the Lizardlanche. Thanks to commenters for a cached version.
Update: Here's a cached version with comments.
Update: Linked also by Tammy Bruce. Thanks Miss Bruce.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Alan Colmes Heads Into the Sewer
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Posted by
9:56 AM
Labels: Democrats, Fox News, Liberal Hypocrisy, Liberals
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downs syndrome has nothing to do with prenatal care stupid comment..but my ob told me that folic acid now they think can even prevent downs but that does not excuse his comment. but i do believe having a child in your mid 40's is not wise... the rates of ds go up dramatically after 35 and i would not have children that late in life... and if i had 4 children i would never do it and if i was the governor i would not even consider it. and who will raise that little boy now???? she is not a good mother, you cannot be and be a VP. no way no how. so do not give me that hockey mom crap... this is one place i differ from most liberals. i do not think you can do both effectively so for me the mother of 5 thing even makes me dislike her more.
"she is not a good mother, you cannot be and be a VP. no way no how."
No wonder you posted as "anonymous," saying something that stupid. The woman is obviously a good mother and she will continue to be a good mother and she will make sure that her children are raised with a proper set of values.
This kind of attack is disgusting and, frankly, I am surprised that it comes from Alan Colmes. I had some respect for the man before this, none now.
Democrats need to be very careful about their personal attacks because they are in grave danger of turning the stomachs of their own supporters. This is a prime example of that kind of stupidity.
She is what you call super mom and mothers around the country are fired up about McCains pick for vp. She is inspiring and many people I know sitting on the fence has told me they are voteing McCain.
"she is not a good mother, you cannot be and be a VP. no way no how."
Every woman who has kids and works for a living thanks you for your support. Spoken like a true sexist pig.
It's now cached on Google as of 5:44 PM Sunday 8/31. I saved a copy just in case.
You assume way to much. Was this child planned? I don't know if that info is out in the press but even so, your opinion doesn't really matter. Why can't her husband raise the kids? People are doing that these days - it's called a "Stay at home daddy". Your comment is just dumb when you say "she can't be a good mother..."
Would you have told Nicole Kidman that she shouldn't have a child even when her child was ok?
I had my child at 36 & it was the perfect time for us.
Don't be another Alan Colmes and say stupid stuff.
(I'm Anonymous cuz I didn't want to register.)
To the first commenter "anonymous": "and who will raise that little boy now????"
What a rambling bunch of crap. I am a father who takes care of my children on an equal basis with my wife. If my wife became vice president or embraced some other vocation that meant a lot to her, I would care for the children full-time.
And you call yourself a "liberal"? Maybe you should consider getting married (sorry, I mean find a "partner").
Let me guess, you're "pro-choice", except that you object to a woman who might choose to have a baby in her mid 40s. There's an authentic Obama supporter for you.
It's cached on Yahoo.
In case that bit of html doesn't work, copy and paste this link:
Proving yet again just how wacked out some "progressives" are.
Thank me later, progressives! Your pal, Justacanuck
Perhaps this is pregnancy was a surprise. The fact that they decided to continue with the gestation makes the Palins even more honorable than any pro choicer I ever heard of.
My wife and I are no strangers to unplanned pregnancies in spite of all the birth control methods.
Here's the Google cache of Colmes post - complete with the comments from outraged readers. Enjoy.
-- Justacanuck
I guess this is Colmes' way to argue that we need improved science education, since he is ignorant.
Both Colmes AND hannity are so boring.
You liberals never cease to amaze...
So Mr. Colmes, you are a "pro-choice" type of ideologue right? Let just pretend your insinuation is correct and Gov. Palin did not seek any pre-natal care, which by the way I don't think is true. But if it was, that was her "choice". Who the hell are you to dictate what a woman does or does not do to and with her body.
Somehow pulling a fully developed fetus out of a womb limb by limb is fine and dandy with you liberals under your "the government can't tell me what to do with my body" mantra.
But not taking your "pre-natal iron pills" is a mortal sin in your book
Bunch of hypocrites.
"the rates of ds go up dramatically after 35 and i would not have children that late in life"
Calling after 35 late in life tells us all we need to know about this person - young twit who thinks she knows IT ALL! GROW UP! My mom had me at age 36, and I'll go toe to toe with you on an IQ test anytime, junior.
(Nice capitalization and punctuation, by the way. College degree? Ha ha.)
I also went to school with girls who had special needs kids while in their 20's. It can happen to any woman at any time no matter how good or poor her prenatal care.
A woman can be a great mom and work at any job. A woman can also sit on her ass and not work and neglect the hell out of her kids.
The left must be pissing down their collective legs to offer up such lame and hurtful arguments against Palin. I thought the Democratic Party was the party for women? Look how quickly they have torn down an accomplished woman in order to keep building up THE ONE! Shame, shame, shame!
downs syndrome has nothing to do with prenatal care stupid comment..but my ob told me that folic acid now they think can even prevent downs
Your Ob/Gyn is wrong. Folic acid supplements help the fetus develop normally, particularly during the period when the neural tube (that later becomes the brain and spine) is closing. Down's Syndrome is before fertilization when a sperm or an egg cell is produced with an extra copy of chromosome 21. If that sperm or egg cell is the one that fertilizes/gets fertilized you can take all the folic acid in the world, but the child will have Down's Syndrome.
" cannot be and be a VP."
Because, in all of America's history, not one single vice-president has ever been a good mother.
Libs are so astute.
her husband also works but you are right i should not have assumed he would not raise the children... however, i still stand by my point that you cannot be a good present solid mother and be the vice president of the united states (or any full time demanding job, i think you have to choose). and having children that late in life you run a high risk... i find in honorable that she had the baby ... i just wonder about how great of a mother she can be if she left him three days after having him to go back to be governor. i had a baby exactly one week before sarah and my little one has been without me for probably a total of 8 hours since she came out of me... my doctor did not say he knew folic acid prevents it he said there is a lot of research showing not only neural tube but other things like mental retardation possible being helped with folic acid so no he is not wrong... it is on the march of dimes website if you would like to look. conservatives get so mad when they are losing....
Alan Colmes, like all other liberals, assumes that he loves Sarah Palin's children more than she does -- and EVERYONE else's children more than they do. In their world view, if it were not for their good offices, our children would be running naked in traffic due to the delirium from scarlet fever, and none of us would notice or care.
Whoever wrote the first and last comment, you have shown just how idiotic you are to 4,000 people.
Do you really think she is a bad mother because she has a job? There's a great many women--my wife included--who needed to work when their kids were young so they could provide a nice, safe home to them.
It seems that your spending every hour since April with your child (save eight) has warped your sense of what goes on in the real world.
Stop while your behind because you sound inane and go cast your vote for Obama (if you can get your baby"s carrier into the booth) and think about what your saying.
Your comments set womens gains back 100-years. You must be so proud.
"conservatives get so mad when they are losing..."
Could you be a bigger dope? Your side is talking ridiculous personal shots at Governor Palin and pretending to know the circumstances of her pregnancy -- including some disgusting jerks making unfounded claims about the baby actually being her daughter's -- but conservatives are the one having trouble controlling their emotions? Puh-lease. You and the rest of the Left are the ones that are mad and angry. Just look at your anger in this thread. After all, you stated that you actually "dislike her more” because she has five kids. What is wrong with you?
It's actually pretty funny to watch a huge number of people on the Left lose their freakin' minds simply because the first female VP of this country may end up being a Republican. Could you be a bigger bunch of hateful, sophomoric whiners? The behavior of you and your fellow Lefties is downright pathetic. Those on the Left, like you, who are bashing Palin for her pregnancy and parental efforts are hateful, ignorant idiots who are bashing a woman that, along with her longtime husband, has been raising her children for years while working as a Mayor then as a Governor.
I think it's fairly obvious that you and Colmes are sharing the same tiny brain. Just go away.
Anonymous probably doesn't know what Down's syndrome is so think neural tube defects are associated. The Democrats are stumbling around like blind men with tertiary syphilis no this story. Just amazing. The Anchoress has a roundup of slimy lefty smears of Palin, including the lovely one that it is her daughter's baby. NIce people.
The left is only showing its essential nature in the crude, vile, nasty comments about Sarah Palin. The left tends towards the emotional, the irrational, and she must really be making them crazy based upon the slime oozing from their mouths and keyboards.
Fortunately, the woman oozes class and dignity, and will rise above the sleazy comments and accusations.
it is soooo interesting watching all of you cream at the mouth for this woman... i love it. i go against my party and believe that a woman who chooses to have children and my god FIVE children cannot effectively be there for her kids and be a vp. even the most conservative of my friends (my husband included) agrees with that... so are all of you saying that she could do both and do both well? i firmly believe that becoming a mother is a serious choice and with it all things should stop while you raise those kids... i see it all the time... i have friends that quit their jobs like myself to raise their kids and other friends who selfishly kept working full time even if they do not need the money and their kids and how they have turned out ... it is clear who stays at home... it is an opinion i feel strongly about that happens to be conservative so how interesting that all of you would jump on how great it is that she is a working mother... hmmmmmmm. how in the hell did i stumble across this site anyway???? either way BRING IT ON! it is more interesting for me than posting on someone's little blog that agrees with again she cannot be that great of a involved present mother while being governor.... how anyone could say otherwise is insane... add vp to your jobtitle and i feel bad for those little kids... your insult to me regarding my spending all my time with the most important things in my life... my kids... so offensive. i get out plenty... with them by my side. they know who their mommy is... they will never call their nanny mommy by accident...
Anonymous Troll: This is a period:.
You use *one* at the end of a sentence. Only one.
These are capital letters: AHWMGP
You use one at the *beginning* of a sentence.
In any case, you're not a very smart person, are you? Your comments are the stupidest kind of random, stream-of-consciousness twaddle I've seen in a while. Trying to read your badly-written comments makes my eyes bleed.
I am an impatient typer. I worked as a graphic designer for years and designers often do not use proper capitalization. You are all unkind so I guess I am done here. Why am I defending not capitalizing? I will leave you all to talk amongst yourselves. Oh well, thought it would be fun to get into some friendly political banter. Guess not. Not a fan of being called stupid simply because you disagree.
Really? That's funny, I've been a graphic designer for a long while too, not once have I seen anyone typing horribly. Is there a secret underground movement I'm not aware of?
"Friendly political banter"? Based on your comments in this thread you only came here to be a jerk. For example, "it is soooo interesting watching all of you cream at the mouth for this woman." Yeah, that's one heck of an intelligent "friendly" comment there. Are you still in grade school?
You and many of the others on the Left that are taking shots at this woman are hypocrites of the highest order. Everyone here knows if Palin were a Democrat that your comments would all be praising her for her courage and ability to raise a family while being a professional woman and having the opportunity to be the next VP of the United States. We know it, you know it, everyone knows it. Just look at all the fawning over Hillary, who road on the coattails of her husband to become a U.S. Senator and Presidential candidate. But like a bunch of freakin' children and intellectual cowards you and the rest of your ideological ilk start bashing Palin personally simply because she's a Republican. Whether you agree with her politics or not, the criticisms by you and others are simply ridiculous. I hope many of the independent moderate women in this country see the garbage that has been (and will continue to be) thrown at Palin over the next 60 days by you and other Leftists and they remember that when they go to vote.
So much for "bring it on," eh? Sorry, troll, you played the insult card first, so don't get pouty when you're insulted back.
anonymous troll #1,
Thanks for the laughs! I remember when I was 19 and thought I knew everything, too. Unlike you, however, I didn't drag some poor, unwilling little kid into my misadventures.
(Ah, yes, good times, good times! Got in all that partying you young moms secretly wish you had, but wasn't dumb enough to get the "fart wing" or "tramp stamp" tattoos that so many of you whippersnappers have now.)
Normally I would support homeschooling, but in your case, I think it's best for everyone if your kid goes to public school. At least there he or she might get a passing acquaintance with things like grammar.
Yeah, old pharts like me that someday will be his or her boss really do appreciate proper sentence structure. We're funny that way.
Youre alot worse than Colmes does. Clearly he was just taking about whether it was wise to do what she did, not that it caused her baby to be born with down syndrome.
I dont think theres anything wrong in mentioning that. why didnt she have the baby where she was? It seems strange that she would fly for hours after her water broke. I would think that could be dangerous, not that it would CAUSE down syndrome. thats ridculous.
You make a fool of yourself not of Colmes.
Let me tell you that I have worked with children on the elementary school level for 17 years. You can NOT pick out a child in a class who has a working mother-especially a working mother who is fulfilled in her job. In fact, the children of doctors, lawyers and other professional women seem to be exceptionally well-adjusted as long as the mother also makes her children a priority. You can pick out the children whose parents are divorced or whose mothers are bored or depressed. Sarah can do it all as long as she has a supportive husband.
Greetings Dr. Colmes:
I read your medical assessment/criticism of Gov. Palin. I was quite curious as to where and when you received your MD degree. Maybe you haven't kept up on the latest thinking in obstetrics care, especially amniotic sac rupture. It's tough to read all of the medical journals if you have a busy medical practice. And btw Dr. Colmes, you do know that airplane cabins were pressurized some decades ago, don't you?
BTW, as a medical professional, I'm sure you contacted Gov. Palin's doctor before you decided to criticize the actions of the patient. Otherwise one would suspect you of being quite unprofessional. Did Gov. Palin's doctor agree with your medical opinion?
Dr. Colmes, one cannot be too diligent in such matters. There are TV pundits who love to regularly provide medical opinions when they have no knowledge of medicine or a patient's history. So please let us know your medical credentials before anyone else accuses you of behaving like an ignoramus.
Cordially yours in medicine,
Dr. Max
Youre alot worse than Colmes does. Clearly he was just taking about whether it was wise to do what she did, not that it caused her baby to be born with down syndrome.
I dont think theres anything wrong in mentioning that. why didnt she have the baby where she was? It seems strange that she would fly for hours after her water broke. I would think that could be dangerous, not that it would CAUSE down syndrome. thats ridculous.
You make a fool of yourself not of Colmes.
Sure thing, genius. Now your opinion and Colmes' opinion are more credible than that of her doctor or Palin herself? Is that what we're supposed to believe? Why are you opining on this?
In case you didn't know from the media reports but are nonetheless choosing to spew your idiocy on this matter anyway, Governor Palin phoned her doctor back in Alaska and got their advice before she got on the flight back home. Nonetheless, she had sufficient experience with childbirth, having had four children previously, so she was probably a pretty good judge of her situation. Do you or Colmes have a medical degree? Have either of you pantloads had any experience giving birth? Unless you count dislodging your craniums from your rectums, I doubt either of you have.
I have to laugh at you Leftist morons going out of your way to find something, anything, to criticize Palin for. Please just shut up. ... Actually, forget that I said that. Keep it up. Moderate, independent women will see the unfair criticisms you dumbasses are tossing at Palin and many will decide to vote for McCain/Palin in November.
Lack of folic acid does not lead to down syndrome. Your about as ignorant as colmes and obermann
David said...
I hate to burst everyone's bubble when a good hate is going on, but Colmes does not mention Down's Syndrome in his post. He does not say that Palin's actions may have caused Down's Syndrome. He says her water broke and she didn't do what most women would do, which is to go have the child delivered.
The factual claims about amniotic fluid leak, made by way of citing some convenient doctor, are correct, according to some quick layman's web research; the leak is an opening, and it's a two-way channel through which bacteria can enter and cause infection and fetal damage. What is left out is that it does not, necessarily, in and of itself, apparently (hey, correct me if I'm wrong, ladies, I'm not one of you) require immediate, right-this-moment, get yourself to an emergency room action.
From other sources on her delivery (it was news), she consulted her physician (Colmes mentions this, but then defers to a doctor who would provide general information Colmes could then twist into an accusation of possible fetal abuse), and the physician saw no problem in her finishing her speech and returning to Alaska---AFTER it was clear she was not in labor.
I am sure that Palin would have chosen to go right to the hospital had she known that in a short time, the liberal smear machine would selectively relate her actions in the most negative light, leaving out the complexity (they don't do nuance, really--they do temporization and obfuscation).
The claim is being amplified and transmogrified by lefties now to a theory that she was attempting a "fundamentalist abortion" (their term, not mine) by purposely traveling with water fully broken and herself in labor. Get that? She had a fetus she knew had Down's, so the accusation is that she was trying to have an emergency delivery that would kill the child.
Get ready to hear the term "fundamentalist abortion" from MSNBC and other Democratic organs.
C'mon David, we all know where Colmes was headed with that post and if he didn't mean what we think he meant, why delete it?
Colmes--as are most neo-liberals--a hypocritical, mental dwarf who sees winning as the only goal and regardless of the consequences, he will smear anyone on the opposition who gets in his way.
See, we on the right only have to use your words and actions against you to make you seem moronic,we don't have to make things up to earn our street cred. Thanks for making it so easy.
Following your argument/your words:
"She (He) is not a good mother (father), you cannot be and be a VP (Pres). ... i do not think you can do both effectively so for me the mother of 5 (father of 2) thing even makes me dislike her (him) more."
Is Obama less of a father, because he works? Of course not. And Michelle was working, too, until this campaign. That must have made them awful parents, since she wasn't home with her children for many years.
In the case of the Palin family, the husband is the stay-at-home-parent. The roles are just reversed, but that's not okay in your lame mind (even though the left is always yelling for equality). Why don't you attack him for not MAKING her stay home with the kids? That should win you lots of points with the feminists.
Do you have a copy of what he wrote because it's been deleted.
Go figure!?
- Angela
Omaha, Nebraska
I believe the Dems have already turned off 18 million supporters!!
try using the wayback machine
it can help you find pages that have been removed as long as you have the original url
OH MY GOD!!!! her 17 YEAR OLD IS PREGNANT!!!!!! how incredible.... wonderful family values! Wonderful parent she has been. Now she joins the ranks of Miss Jamie Lynn Spears. I wonder why this story has not made your blog? Say all you want. I am right.
And also, just because I love to prove people wrong. Research has indicated that folic acid may prevent ds.
My doctor was not wrong. He is informed and passed along the possible connection to his patient.
"my doctor did not say he knew folic acid prevents it he said there is a lot of research showing not only neural tube but other things like mental retardation possible being helped with folic acid so no he is not wrong..."
"And also, just because I love to prove people wrong. Research has indicated that folic acid may prevent ds.
My doctor was not wrong. He is informed and passed along the possible connection to his patient."
Which post is a lie?
You might want to familiarize yourself with the first rule of holes - when you find yourself in one, stop digging. Everyone here already knew you weren't particularly bright, now we all know you're not particularly honest either.
Just out of curiosity, at what point in life is it okay to have children? Clearly not prior to 18 or after 35. Do women have to wait until after college? Grad school? Post grad? After their husbands have established careers so that they don't have to continue working, but early enough in those established careers that they don't bump up against that 35-y-o ceiling?
I honestly feel for your children. Having to spend every hour of their lives with someone so ignorant, dishonest and judgemental can't possibly be good for their developing characters.
No lies. My doctor and I discussed the importance of folic acid and he said they are even discovering more positive links including possibly reducing ds. It was a fleeting comment of his.
For me, 17 it too early to have a child and 44 too late. I said nothing of 35 being too old, only that the risks of ds increase after that age. If you think teenagers should be having babies... God help you.
Please keep my children out of your insults.
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