Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Reason #4,597 Obama Opted Out of Public Financing: Racism!

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The excuses Obama has given for flip-flopping on public financing for the general election have ranged from the ridiculous to the sublime. He is an out and out liar and when caught in that lie, he went right to the Clinton book and denied, denied, denied and then blamed it all on the GOP.

But now we have an Obama "Team Leader" saying he opted out and lied through his teeth went back on his word because of the GOP is so damn racist:

With regard to Barack Obama's opting out of public campaign financing (Letters, June 23): Do those of you who criticize him not "get it" that Obama is the first African American candidate who not only will win, but who will inevitably be the constant target of the Republican attack machine, which will use racism in every way possible to defeat him?
Emphasis mine. So Ms. Porter, kind of like the racist attacks his fellow Democrats used?

You see, this is the strategy and in my opinion is a cheap but effective one. Before anything racist is actually said (with the exception of another Liberal uttering racial words), the Obama campaign is telling us that the GOP will use racial politics. Obama himself started this ball rolling the other day by pulling out the race card and it seems the playbook is widespread through his organization--even down to "Team Leaders". There's been no cases of anyone in the GOP saying anything racial about Obama, that is a fact, but why let facts get in the way of a good rant?

Wasn't it Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who said he wanted his children to be judged "by the content of their character" not the color of their skin? Judging by the tactics used by the Obama campaign, the content of his character must be weak because he's using the color of his skin as a premature bludgeon.

This inane drivel continues--mercifully--for only one more paragraph:

Do you not get that? He will be up against the strongest attacks against any presidential candidate in history and needs every resource at his fingertips. Just what is it that you don't "get" about that?
Karen Porter
Team Leader
Chester County Obama Campaign
West Chester

Oh, I get it. Obama is going to be attacked left and right by the evil GOP more viciously than any other candidate in history and he flip-flopped so that he can protect himself from those bad, bad men. A question for Ms. Porter; if Obama can't withstand the attacks by political rivals, how exactly will he deal with Ahmadinejad or Hugo Chavez--especially since he'll be dealing with them without preconditions? Politics is a contact sport, Karen; if your candidate can't handle it within the parameters he himself set and is reneging on a promise without shame, he's not ready to lead this nation.

So to sum up Ms. Porter's slanted and misguided version of events: Obama was forced to flip-flop on a promise he made to his supporters and the country because he needed more money to fight against the half of the country who is GOP-leaning and thus completely racist. Is that what you are saying, Karen? That's seems a horrid campaign strategy to call people who lean Republican racist when anyone who follows politics even a little knows damn well that you need some of those very same people to cross over and support your candidate.

And away we go, folks. The Obama camp's constant cry of "racism" will have a boy who cried wolf effect; if everything is racist, than nothing is racist. People tend to tire of being labeled a bigot constantly and Obama will lose those people come November. By November anyone who is not pro-Obama will be considered a racist--Hispanics, Whites, Asians and Blacks who see through the rhetoric. I'll e-mail Ms Porter and get my racist tag affixed now so I don't to wait in line in September and October.

Campaign workers like Ms. Porter will only hurt Obama in the long run and she's too damn narrow-minded to see it.

Update: McCain 45%, Obama 45%. Could it be that supporters such as Ms. Porter are already having a detrimental effect?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm eagerly awaiting the point at which the Obama campaign starts playing the "race" card.

The WHITE race card.

"Hello, I'm Barack Obama; I'm half-white, vote for me!"

(After all, he's the candidate for equality...)