Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Dem Veep Stakes

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It's coming down to a good candidate (if you're a Dem) and a horrid candidate:

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Former Sens. John Edwards and Sam Nunn are on a list of potential running mates for Democrat Barack Obama, a congresswoman said Thursday, one day after she met with the team Obama has reviewing possible candidates.

Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, D-Mich., who leads the Congressional Black Caucus, said members of her caucus asked her to forward the names of Edwards and Nunn when she met Wednesday with Obama's vice presidential search team. The team, Caroline Kennedy and Eric Holder, indicated the two were on the list.
Nunn is a great choice and would give the campaign gravitas it doesn't currently have. Remember the media "gravitas-fest" when W. chose Cheney?

Anyway, Nunn is way more centrist (in fact, his retirement from the Senate was said to be because of the shift by the party to the hard left) than Obama and has a solid foreign policy background. His views were interesting to say the least going against Clinton on gays in the military but voting against the first Gulf War. He would provide a balance to Obama. His lack of charisma could be a hindrance but the messianic following of Obama would overcome that. Nunn is also from Georgia so Obama may pick up a few states in the South.

Edwards on the other hand would be the ideal candidate if Obama wanted to lose. He didn't help in 2004--although Kerry was also a lame candidate so he only made the campaign even sorrier. He would be a great pick if Obama wanted someone as liberal as he is but Edwards could never help with the South as Obama would hope. There's still a serious conservative streak south of the Mason-Dixon line and Edwards just comes off as to much of a pussy to win them over. He allows his cancer-stricken wife to fight his battles and that's unacceptable to the blue collar folks in the South and Midwest.

Here's hoping Obama opts for Edwards and McCain were smart enough to pick someone like Alaska governor Sarah Palin.

Note to the AP, send me a friggin' bill for using your paragraphs above you cheap bastards.

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