Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Democrat Armageddon

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Fox has called NC for Obama and the Shill appears to have IN. That's not the big news however, this is:

Forget the horse race numbers for a moment: if the surveys are accurate, the polarization within the Democratic Party has reached critical levels. Nearly six in ten Obama supporters in Indiana say they would be dissatisfied if Clinton were the nominee -- that's (I believe) the high percentage of Obama supporters who have ever said that.

In both IN and NC, two thirds of Clinton supporters say they'd be dissatisfied if Obama were the nominee -- I believe that's the highest number recorded for that question, too.

The percentage of Clinton voters who say they'd choose McCain over Obama in a general election is approaching 40% in Indiana. Put it another way: in North Carolina, less than HALF of folks who voted today for Hillary Clinton are ready to say today that they'd definitely vote for Obama in a general election.

The basic demographic breakdowns suggest that the black/white split has widened as well (although I can't say too much about that now), which might mean that racial polarization (along with SES polarization) is driving the Democratic race to an unprecedented degree.
This makes my cold, evil Republican heart burst with glee. The Democrat party has imploded and it wasn't caused by the GOP but by a race between a white woman and a black man. Ironic doesn't do it justice.

The only thing that would make it even more unbelievable were if a gay man and a leader of Code Pink were involved as well.

It's going to continue and the carnage left in the wake of this kerfuffle will be a sight to behold and I'll enjoy every friggin' moment of it.

More regular posting to resume as soon as I can get some free time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The only thing that would make it even more unbelievable were if a gay man and a leader of Code Pink were involved as well."

The winner must still pick a running mate for VP. The unbelievable may still happen.
