Friday, April 04, 2008

Think Progress Caught Being Lazy Again

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It's getting to the point that each and every Think Regress Progress post must be fact-checked to be sure they even did one iota of investigation or lifted a finger to click onto Google and check the facts. There's this thing called a phone, Amanda. Use it before printing lies and save yourself the embarrassment.

Anyway, Michael Goldfarb breaks it down:

Well, it isn't true. Think Progress provides the video, but at no point does McHenry indicate that the "security guard" is an American soldier. In fact, if Amanda had bothered to call McHenry's office, she would have learned that the security guard was one of the foreign contractors so reviled by the left--an individual who in any other circumstance Amanda would likely label a "mercenary."
He then goes on to show the text of the statement from Rep. McHenry and tears down any legitimacy blogger Amanda had left after the McCain/plagiarism kerfuffle.

Now, McHenry probably should not have labeled the man "two bit" but next to our military men and women, every contractor seems "two bit". Of course Amanda wouldn't have a clue about that as she would rather demean our troops than actually talk to any of them. Perhaps she should try it sometime and she'll discover that many are highly educated and can carry on an intelligent conversation with anyone, including a hyper-educated liberal who thinks she's smarter than anyone else.

Props to Goldfarb for his backhand slam at Markos "Screw Them" Moulitsas as well.

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