Thursday, April 03, 2008

The 900 Pound Elephant in the Dem Campaign Room

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In the last year, I've probably heard Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama bring up Islamo-fascist terror fewer times than they've voluntarily brought up the names Lewinsy and Rezko respectively.

The threat is still there, the Bush administration has managed to keep it at bay. The Brits seem to be the ones who are being targeted and from the inside:

A gang of British Muslims planned to blow up seven planes within hours in the biggest terrorist atrocity since 9/11, a court heard yesterday.

Two thousand passengers would have died in the plot by eight fanatics working "in the name of Islam", the jury was told.

It could have involved up to 18 suicide bombers. And they were almost ready to strike.

The jets they targeted would all have been bound from Heathrow to cities in the U.S. and Canada, it was claimed.
You may recall this is the case that forced Americans to lose everything from lighters to breast milk when going through security. It was a real threat and now the Brits are making their case and it seems as if it is a good one.

These are Brit citizens and is further proof that love of Allah far outweighs love of country. Killing in the name of Allah is what these men were taught by their local imam and this is what they believe their collective destiny is.

Perhaps I'd feel somewhat better if Clinton and Obama would at least pay some lip service to the issue.

You know how all these idiots have the bumper sticker that says 1-20-09 indicating the joy they will feel when they leave office? I'm going to print one that says 1-21-09 that indicates the day I fear for the safety and security of our nation should either Obama or Clinton win the Oval Office.

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