Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Spitzer Out Monday

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Adios Eliot.

After a decade, the guy got careless and was brought down by his arrogance.
The people of New York deserve better than that and are now stuck with a guy they didn't elect who is so liberal he makes Obama look like a Republican. Call it Spitzer's last smack while heading out the door.

Exit question: Worth $4,300, the end of your career and the shame you've brought down on your wife and kids

I guess in Spitzer's eyes that would be a yes.


Anonymous said...

Life story and a series of pictures indicate she had the IQ of a retarded mouse. Now we know what kind of girls demand and get $5,000 per hour from politicians married to Harvard/Yale graduates.

Anonymous said...

What I don't get, is how $4000 doesn't buy you a bit of privacy and discretion.