Monday, March 24, 2008

An Imploding Party

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It seems that those who aren't in tune to the daily goings-on in politics don't really have a clue what's happening within the Democratic party. Especially the variety that supports Dems. That's fine because if they did, they'd see the growing storm clouds on the horizon that are a bad omen for things to come.

We have a month until PA and then we have another couple of weeks until NC so in other words, we have nearly two more months of infighting and scandal to take in. If the media have nothing to write about, they'll dig and find something to write about. That's bad for Hilly and Obama as they have enough hidden skeletons to keep us on the scandal watch indefinitely.

But wait! In rides a rotund white knight who will save his party from oblivion:

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, fresh off his endorsement of Barack Obama this week, suggested Sunday that Hillary Rodham Clinton should consider dropping out of the race if she trails in the delegate count and popular vote at the end of the primary process.

Appearing on “Fox News Sunday,” Richardson also decried the negativity in the Democratic primary, adding that John McCain is coalescing his support as the Republican presidential nominee while Obama and Clinton continue to attack each other.

Richardson, who served under President Bill Clinton as energy secretary and as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, also took what appeared to be a shot at his political patron. When asked about Clinton confidante James Carville’s comment that his endorsement was an “act of betrayal,” Richardson offered his own tough talk.
I always thought the not-so-svelte party savior would come in the form of Al Gore with flowing ropes and carrying bolts of global warming-induced lightning.

Richardson is angling hard for the Veep slot and has sold out his former political sugar daddy to get there. before Clinton, Richardson was a backwater pol who had no pedigree--post Clinton, he has a foreign policy resume that was good enough to land him the governorship of a swing state.

For all that, he's selling them down the river for his own selfish gains.

Must be fun to be a Dem.


10ksnooker said...

The racists vs the feminists, identity politics at it's best.

And what's with the Wolfman Jack look on the "I am Latino" guy Richardson? He obviously is trying out a new style identity,

KurtP said...

Heh, looks like ol' Bill R. learnt well at the side of the masters Billarry.