Friday, January 04, 2008

Socialized Medicine: A Doctors View

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A must read by GM Roper on the nightmare awaiting us should we go the socialized medicine route:

I don't know about you, but this household doesn't have an extra $455,000.00. Grow up America, if you want to keep the high quality health care that we have overall then we absolutely have to reform government and get the big spenders out of office! Until then, if the Democrats take over health care, I won't get any of it except maybe a corner to die in. and if you are young, you might not even get that much.
The Obama, Clinton and Edwards plans would increase the cost of healthcare dramatically. Believe me when I say that Edwards in particular would sell out everything for his law practicing brethren and every single quality doctor would say "screw it" and either become researchers or not accept the national medical coverage. We will become England where you now have two classes of people: those who can afford to go to private hospitals and pay cash for good, quality medical care or you can go to the NHS office and get substandard care and wait months for diagnostic testing such as an MRI.

While in Florida last week, we had drinks with a couple from Ontario, Canada and they were very defensive about their healthcare system (and everything else about Canada). When I explained that I can go to the doctor and get an MRI today, they seemed shocked. In Canada it would take a month. With that in mind, I'll keep paying for health insurance thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said sir and thanks for the link.