Thursday, January 17, 2008

Fred Jumps Romney in South Carolina

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Fred is now in 3rd place in the Palmetto state with a nice jump this week. Yes, it's another poll that could be wrong and yes it's from Zogby but hope stays alive:

Arizona Sen. John McCain kept his lead in South Carolina in the second installment of the Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby tracking poll. He is followed by former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, just as he was in the survey released yesterday. Their levels of support have remained static, with McCain holding steady at 29% and Huckabee losing just a point to stand at 22%.

There have been shifts lower down, however. Former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson has ousted former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney from the number three spot. Romney, who won the Michigan primary Tuesday, dropped a point, from 13% support to 12%, while Thompson jumped two points to 14%.
So Fred stole a point each from Huck and Romney but not McCain. A McCain/Thompson one-two finish would not be a bad thing and may keep Fred in the race as he'd be the southern candidate heading north while Huck seems to be sinking.

Still, 8% down from Huck with two days to go may be insurmountable but hey, Hillary did it in New Hampshire and I'd imagine South Carolinians are even more independent-thinking than New Hampshirites.

Yes, I'm an optimist but the Phillies did win the NL East on the last day of the season after the Mets tanked so anything is possible friends...anything.

Update: More of this please.

Update: Romney's bailed out of SC so I would expect to see Fred grab the majority of the votes that he'll lose for that decision. It's an interesting move by Mitt considering the latest American Research group poll has him only behind Huck by 3%.

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