Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sunday Morning Link Fest

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Lot's of good stuff in the blogosphere this rainy, cold Sunday morn. We we've been spared the snow here in South Jersey but it could turn from rain to sleet to snow later. All in all, a good day to watch football and hope the Eagles can salvage something from their putrid season by knocking off the Dallas Cowgirls.

  • JWF reports that Hillary has resorted to begging for votes door-to-door in NH. How the mighty have fallen and the pictures are priceless, especially the miserable look on her face.
  • Kurt P posts about aircraft nose art during WWII. It was definitely risque' at the time but war is for men and big boys could handle the un-PC portraits. Let's just say that the art on weapons got a bit more focused during the Iraq war:

  • That Ron Paul juggernaut just keeps on a rollin' into oblivion. His supporters are ripe for the picking, they'll hand over large sums of money for a man who appeals to the lunatic fringe and is not in the best interest of our country. Perhaps John Edwards' people should contact them.
  • The BBC continues to show why they've become irrelevant. Imagine being forced to pay to support such garbage.
  • The NY Times exults after NJ gets rid of the death penalty. The fact that it actually worked doesn't matter.

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