Wednesday, December 05, 2007

A Great Day for the Environment

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Or not.

As I sit in my house, snow is falling and sticking.

But hey, the environmental do-gooders are out there protecting Gaia in their own special ways.

First we have an environmental circle jerk in Bali, Indonesia. Been there, nice place, great bars. I guess that would be why 10,000 environmentalists are converging on the beautiful island to talk about all things global warming--and to partake of the great night life. I guess a more symbolic place like Antarctica or Greenland never crossed their feeble minds:

The international community may have as little as a decade to bring greenhouse gases under control or risk catastrophic global warming that places millions of people at risk, warns a group of the world's leading climate scientists.

In a declaration released Thursday in Bali, Indonesia, where representatives from about 180 countries are attending a United Nations conference on climate change, the scientists say emissions need to peak and then start to decline within the next 10 to 15 years as a first step, and then be cut in half by 2050 from the level prevailing in 1990.
Reports are that upwards of 10,000 people are attending this event. It's a complete and utter farce and everyone except the hapless UN and the wining and dining attendees who have created more pollution in one week than some small nations knows it.

Next, we have an environmental coalition in Texas suing to stop a proposed wind farm--you know, 100% earth friendly electricity is not a good thing to these nosy idiots.

And finally, Congress is voting on things they nothing about...again.

As I said, it's snowing hard and I for one am going to turn every light on, leave my car running while in the driveway and consider buying a Hummer so I don't have to deal with this next year.

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