Monday, December 10, 2007

Andrew Young's Idiocy

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Yes, whenever we have a case that even remotely touches on race (at least when it's supposedly against Blacks), the Revs. Sharpton and Jackson are all over the news telling us what a racist country we are.

When it's one of their own who makes a racist statement you can't get them to say a word:

December 10, 2007 -- The silence was deafening in the camps of Democratic presidential candidates yesterday over civil-rights leader Andrew Young's tasteless crack comparing Bill Clinton's and Barak Obama's supposed prowess with black women.

"Bill is every bit as black as Barack. He's probably gone with more black women than Barack," the former UN ambassador quipped on a live TV interview - immediately adding, "I'm clowning."

Clinton's campaign had no immediate comment, nor did Obama's.

Jesse Jackson, who has boasted that Obama "has my vote," wouldn't touch the political hot potato with a 10-foot pole.

"He has no comment," spokeswoman Rashida Restaino said.
OK, how many parts of that statement can we pick apart? A prominent black leader disrespects the former President and black women in one damn sentence and the arbiters of the race card have no comment. I'm not complaining that Sharpton and Rev Jackson are being quiet, I like that, but you have to love the hypocrisy of the moment.

Besides the fact that Andrew Young is probably right in what he said, the fact that he said it gives us a glimpse into how the black establishment looks at Barack Obama--he's not "black" enough, he's not a good representative of the community and they would rather have Hillary than Obama. That's telling isn't it?

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