Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Links, Links and More Links

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I'm on the road in the great city of Annapolis, home of the US Naval Academy--the number one national school of higher learning. Sorry Ivy Leaguers, you fail when it comes to a real education that means something. Blogging will be light until tomorrow or Friday but instead I'll provide some quick links:

As if we needed another reason to laugh at liberals, this tool over at the Puff Ho gives you about sixty more. How's that latest cartoon going, bro?

The cute little Dems are acting all threatening again about Iraq. I guess they've missed the memo that we're winning or more likely they got it and are terrified that we are winning.

Eliot Spitzer yesterday came to his senses about licenses for illegals. Today he lost his mind again. That would be why he's flamed out in New York in absolute record time.

God help us in the Garden State. My home state embarrasses the hell out of me sometimes--hell, look at our senators.

Now the airport screeners are going are going to be grumpier than ever because they'll be forced to, you know, do their friggin' jobs including finding bomb parts.

Global warming hurting ski, never mind.

Picture from the beautiful Sunset Cliffs in my former haunt San Diego.

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