Monday, November 05, 2007

Is NBC Serious With "Green Week?"

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Now I've seen some pretty friggin' stupid things on TV, especially NBC and their bastard cousin MSNBC, but dimming the studio lights during a football show, sending Matt Lauer to Greenland and Al Roker to Ecquador to highlight global warming is about the most idiotic by far.

Oh, that's not all, Global Warming Guru Al Gore is going to appear on 30 Rock and they are going to spend the entire week discussing the environment.

Now I'm all for a clean environment, it's what my company does in fact. But as Allah pointed out, they trucked tons of equipment to Greenland in order to broadcast, how the hell are they runing that equipment? I know it's not solar because the North pole is getting very little sunlight right around this time. I didn't see a damn windmill insight and I highly doubt they had a portable nuke plant there. That means it was done with diesel or gas slurping generators that were spewing noxious CO2 and CO into the air killing all the beautiful arctic wildlife who did nothing but wake up yesterday to find Matt Lauer--the man who normally only irritates stay at home moms--polluting their pristine environment. And what the hell is he standing next to? Is that an igloo? Please don't for a second think we believe that Katie Couric's former underling actually slept in an igloo in -12 degree temps.

Lastly, tell me Al Roker doesn't look as though he's about to have a heart attack climbing that hill in high altitude. No offense to Al, but perhaps they may have sent someone who was a bit more...uh, better prepared.

Thanks NBC, you've have stuck another nail in what was once considered a news organization with gravitas.

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