Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Iranians Develop New Target

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The Iranians have been making noise lately on the military front. They could disrupt world economies by either attacking shipping or closing the Straits of Hormuz, which is a very narrow waterway and that would be a direct military attack on many nations as it would directly affect their national security by stopping the flow of oil.

Today, they revealed that they have put into service a "sonar evading" submarine. A submarine such as this would be a credible threat to Persian Gulf shipping and should be taken seriously, yet the US Navy has the best trained personnel on sub hunting ships, aircraft and subs and I guarantee we know exactly what the capabilities of that sub are and will will track it accordingly. If it gives off any noise, we'll track it.

If they so much as trail a US ship, we'll blow them out of the friggin' water.

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