Sunday, November 25, 2007

Impeaching Cheney and the Chimp--A Fisking

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The idea of impeaching first Cheney, then Dubya is a wet dream to the barking moonbats who inhabit the idealistic world of the "progressive" left. We have one moonbat in particular who somehow coaxed her way on to the Op/Ed ages of a semi-major daily. A fisking appears in order:

On Nov. 6, Rep. Dennis Kucinich introduced articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney on the floor of the House of Representatives. For one shining moment the will of the majority of Americans and the promise of this nation's founders were truly represented.

The detailed charges were solemnly read from the House podium and televised on C-Span. House Democratic Leader Steny Hoyer made a motion to table the bill. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi lobbied hard for votes to table.

In a stunning turnaround, House Republicans changed strategy and voted decisively to prevent tabling the impeachment resolution.
Stunning my ass, they outsmarted the Dems in an efort to force them to argue for impeachment. The GOP knows that the Dems have no case and it would decide the issue once and for all.

Pelosi was defied by 85 Democratic members who voted against tabling the impeachment resolution. This includes John Conyers, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, and six committee members. The resolution was quickly voted back to the Judiciary Committee, where it is not resting quietly.

Pelosi has been repeatedly "defied" on all issues. She's an inadequate leader and has no control over a House that is in the majority only because of the Blue Dog Dems--conservative Dems from the South.

Judiciary Committee member Bob Wexler wrote, "The American people are served well with a legitimate and thorough impeachment inquiry. I will urge the Judiciary Committee to schedule impeachment hearings immediately and not let this issue languish as it has over the last six months. Only through hearings can we begin to correct the abuses of Dick Cheney and the Bush administration."
Note that crazy Bob doesn't list any of the abuses. Plus, Wexler has no power to advance a bill the greater Democrat party just wants to go away. I guess our intrepid writer never stopped to think why it was introduced by the alien Kucinich.

Impeachment is squarely on the table, and momentum is building. A year ago, almost no elected official breathed the word impeachment. Now impeachment has hit the House floor, and our electeds have gone on record. Millions of Americans are demanding an end to executive abuse of power.
Can you feel it? That my friends is momentum building...or maybe that last Harp I had last night. I have yet to see the "millions" of Americans marching in the streets on a weekly basis and the ones I have seen seem to support a plethora of other causes such as the continued murder and slaughter of innocents by Palestinians, support of Hezbollah, support of insurgents battling American troops, the call for killing cops and some that I really don't know what they support. You can see all those people at Zombie's site in one neat, scary grouping of pix (Note: content warning).

After six years of state of emergency, the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, continual war and occupations, our Constitution is deeply in crisis. Americans are in danger of losing our system of government and civil rights if they do not roll back the Bush administration's assault on the rule of law.

Perhaps no one explained to Ms. Boyd that Bush will be out of office in 14-months. Let's see, the Patriot Act was needed to protect the country and filled in a few holes that were hurting us security-wise. As for the Military Commissions Act, the left has been screaming about the suspension of Habeus Corpus, yet someone who takes up arms against the US and is not a soldier for any country should be treated differently than a soldier of a nation-state. Quite simply Ms. Boyd, combatants held outside the US do not fall under the treaties we've signed dealing with prisoners of war. I'm sorry, the majority of Americans don't give a damn if terrorists are held by us in Gitmo, some of us still feel the sting of 9/11. And as for us "losing our system of government and civil rights," name one single right we've lost. I'm quoting from an essay written in a newspaper published in a major city, I may be going out on a limb but I imagine you're not in shackles in a gulag as we speak and you do realize that had you written the very same piece about, say, Hugo Chavez, you'd most likely be in jail on under house arrest?

Allowing Cheney and George W. Bush to finish their terms without being impeached means future presidents are free to copy their lawless behavior. Of course many important issues deserve the attention of Congress. But the Constitution is the foundation of our democracy, not just an issue. Without the Constitution, we have nothing.
The fact that neither Bush nor Cheney have done anything that is unconstitutional escapes Ms. Boyd evidently. Like most moonbats, why let facts get in the way of a good tantrum.

Polls show that 74 percent of Democrats and the majority of American adults support impeaching Cheney. "Never in our history have the high crimes and misdemeanors been so flagrant, and the people of our country know it," writes local author Richard Behan.
Richard Behan is so far on the fringe that the idiots at Democratic Underground probably think he's over the edge. He writes for Alternet and Counter Punch--the wildly anti-Semitic lunatic lefty website. As for that poll, I bet if I took a poll asking if Boyd were a complete and utter moron, 93% would agree. By the way Ms. Boyd, where is this poll you reference?

Kucinich has targeted Cheney first, but investigations will implicate the president as well. For the first time in the history of the Gallup Poll, 50 percent of respondents say they "strongly disapprove" of the president. Richard Nixon had reached the previous high, 48 percent, just before an impeachment inquiry was launched in 1974. With these numbers, why aren't Bush and Cheney gone already?
They are not "gone already" because that Constitution thing you referenced earlier says that you have to, you know, actually do something illegal to be impeached. Things like high crimes and misdemeanors--lying to a grand jury about getting hummers from an intern would be one of those. The constitution was not written with the idea in mind that poll numbers would the deciding factor for impeachment, if that were the case. the whole of Congress would be impeached (now that's an idea).

The vice president is accused of:

purposely manipulating intelligence to fabricate a threat of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction in order to justify an attack on Iraq;
I guess John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, etc. are also guilty as they all are ion record as saying Saddam had WMD. In fact, he probably did and while we were groveling to the UN he shipped them out to Syria and Iran.

deceiving Congress about an alleged relationship between Iraq and al-Qaida;
That whole al-Qaeda in Iraq thing is a big sham, right. Iraq was known to shelter terrorists (Abu Nidal) and was paying suicide bombers families who had killed Israeli civilians.

threatening aggression against the Republic of Iran, absent any real threat to the United States.
Iranians are complicit in the killing of our troops by supplying bomb-making materials, that's an act of war. Plus, they could easily shut down all petroleum shipments out of the Persian Gulf by blocking the Straits of Hormuz and have threatened to do so. Still, threatening to attack is not the same as, you know, attacking.

She goes on and on in droning, irritating fashion. Read the rest if you can bring yourself to do so. Me, I'm done as it's a piece written by a simple-minded woman who has read one too many Richard Behan books.

Update: Michelle Malkin has more.

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