Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Hillary: Privacy For Me, Not For Thee

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Hillary Clinton has made privacy from illegal wiretapping and the other sources a large part of her campaign. I guess she's had a change of heart since her days in the White House:

In their book about Clinton’s rise to power, Her Way, Don Van Natta Jr., an investigative reporter at The New York Times, and Jeff Gerth, who spent 30 years as an investigative reporter at the paper, wrote: “Hillary’s defense activities ranged from the inspirational to the microscopic to the down and dirty. She received memos about the status of various press inquiries; she vetted senior campaign aides; and she listened to a secretly recorded audiotape of a phone conversation of Clinton critics plotting their next attack.

“The tape contained discussions of another woman who might surface with allegations about an affair with Bill,” Gerth and Van Natta wrote in reference to Clinton’s husband, former President Bill Clinton. “Bill’s supporters monitored frequencies used by cell phones, and the tape was made during one of those monitoring sessions.”
Shocking, I know. Note also that the facts presented in the book were not disputed, which during a campaign as well run as Hillary's has been makes it appear to be true. None of the usual Clinton M.O: deny, deny, smear the accuser, deny and then when busted apologize and bite your bottom lip begging for forgiveness.

When Bubba ran, his staff worried about "bimbo eruptions" from the myriad extracurricular activities Bill had participated in. With Hillary, the concern will be former confidante eruptions. From Dick Morris to others who were there when decisions were made and shady deals were consumated, these people who feel betrayed by the Clintons will continuously leak info and the GOP will use it to great advantage. I suspect that's the main reason pundits of the Democrat persuasion want anybody but Hillary running in the general.

This quote tells you all you need to know about the elitism of the Hillary camp:

“We don’t comment on books that are utter and complete failures,” said Clinton’s press secretary, Philippe Reines.
That is the best example of Clintonian-speak I've read in awhile. They don't deny, they belittle. The fact that the book hasn't sold well means nothing of course. But to the Clintons and their elite hangers-on, it means everything, it means that the authors are now open to the Clinton smear machine despite the fact that both men are veteran reporters who wrote for the NY Times is beside the point.

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