Thursday, November 02, 2006

Rove Twists the Knife

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And pours salt into the wound with a lemon juice chaser:

COMPTON: Are you turning a deaf ear to his explanation that it was the president that he meant?

ROVE: Again, he ought to apologize. Why can he not bring himself to say "You know what? I apologize to America's fighting men and women who took umbrage at my comments." He can't bring himself to do it. In fact, what he does is he suggests that anyone who took umbrage at my remarks is bad. He's attacked people who took his remark as an attack on the military. But wait a minute. The military took his remark as an attack on the military. He ought to simply apologize. Why can he not bring himself to say, "'I'm sorry. I made a mistake. I'm sorry I insulted you. I didn't mean to do it. Will you please accept my apology and move on?" But he can't bring himself to say it.

The American public sees the elitism in Kerry and it will haunt him for years. Goodbye to any shot at the presidency and good riddance.

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