Monday, November 13, 2006

How Would Anyone Even Know?

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Two Canadian profs won the right to smoke blunts at work:

TORONTO, Ontario (Reuters) -- The use of medical marijuana has given twoToronto professors the right to something that many students could only dream of -- access to specially ventilated rooms where they can indulge in peace.

The two, at the esteemed University of Toronto and at York University to the north of the city, suffer from chronic medical conditions that some doctors say can be eased by smoking marijuana. They are among nearly 1,500 Canadians who have won the right to use the drug for health reasons.


As I asked in the header, these guys are professors, how the hell would you be able to tell if they were just normal professors spouting their usual rhetoric or two dudes that are feeling alright from a couple of hits of da kine?

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