Sunday, October 22, 2006

Deeper & Deeper Into Dhimmitude

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We have been seeing some signs that the Brits are starting to understand the problem they are faced with from Muslim immigrants. The major problems still remain, however:

Police in Manchester have been told not to arrest Muslims wanted on warrants at prayer times during the holy month of Ramadan.

An internal email listing prayer times was sent to officers in the metropolitan division asking them not to make planned arrests during those periods for reasons of religious sensitivity, Greater Manchester Police confirmed.

Some officers are said to have been angered by the instruction.

But a police spokesman said confusion arose because the original memo was unclear, and a second email has clarified that there is no blanket ban on arrests, simply a request for sensitivity.

Let's review some past examples of Muslims respecting others religious rights. How about 1973 when allied Arab nations attacked Israel during the holiest day on the Jewish calendar--Yom Kippur. That was not just arresting Jewish criminals, that was an attack on the entire nation with the intent to wipe it out.

How about the fact that violence has increased dramatically during the Ramadan month?

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