Tuesday, June 13, 2006

What Makes a Soldier's Mom Angry

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Philadelphian Kimberly Ann Britt writes about her son Brandon and all soldiers from a mom's perspective. Today's must-read:

People often ask if I am angry about the war or the government. My answer is no, although I don't always agree with them. What I am angry about is the attitude of most American people, who take their lives and lifestyle for granted.

Most Americans believe that their privileges are rights, that their freedom came with their address. Most Americans never thank or appreciate the soldiers who paid for this, who go through hell so most Americans don't have to. Too many Americans forget the soldiers who have died, including Sgt. Egan, Spec. William Fernandez, Spec. Christopher Merchant and thousands more in this war alone.

Thank you Sgt. Allmond and thank you Ms. Britt. Many of us care and many of us have served who know what you are feeling.

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