Friday, May 05, 2006

The Hypocrisy of Dr. Diana

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I've discussed USC professor Dr. Diana Blaine before.

Diana claims to be a "feminist". If she is, she's a feminist right out of the NOW mold. They tend to believe in two things: abortion should be legal at all costs and men are scum.

I went to the good doctor's site and searched for Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Amina Wadud and Wafa Sultan. These are three extremely brave women who are fighting the battle against oppression, rape and genital mutilation in the Muslim world.

One would think that a feminist of Dr. Blaine's stature would have written numerous posts on these women. A search shows no mention at all. Why would that be?

Perhaps Dr. Blaine's readers would see that the life she's led her readers and students to believe is so bad would in actuality be shown to be very easy by comparison.

Maybe Diana can take a few minutes from writing about "boobs," the liberal fiction of a coming theocracy, and men hating and read about real-life feminists who are not insulated in a coccoon at a major university. Maybe the good doctor can talk about places where real rights abuses against women occur such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Iran.

I for one am not counting on it.

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