Sunday, March 05, 2006

Why Oscar Ratings Will Be Low

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Tonight is the gathering of Hollywood celebritydom, a meeting of the mindless as it were. They gather together tonight (and at Cannes, Sundance,etc.) and preen for the cameras and equally inane fans who line up to watch. The paparazzi will snap their pictures and People magazine will judge the best and worst dressed. To sum up, it will all mean nothing.

There was a time when Hollywood connected with America, during WWII and even as late as the mid-60's they were making movies that connected with normal people on a regular basis.

In the 80's and 90's they did make movies that didn't have an agenda, movies such as the Indiana Jones trio showed just how good movies could be.

Then something happened, the studios started really pushing social issues; from films such as Easy Rider to the current blockbuster that nobody saw--Brokeback Mountain.

I stopped going to the movies regularly when they changed the terrorists in The Sum of All Fears from Muslim ton neo-Nazi's or fascists or Republicans or somesuch. In other words, Hollywood went PC and ultra-liberal.

Look at the list of movies up for awards:

Brokeback Mountain-Gay cowboys
Munich-Showing Israel in a bad light for protecting themselves and avenging deaths of citizens
Good Night and Good Luck-McCarthyism
Crash-Racist L.A.
Paradise Now-Glorifying a Palestinian suicide bomber.

That's the list, all based on liberal takes on social issues. No films about Israeli's being blown up by said suicide bombers or a movie showing the death of the Israeli athletes in Munich.

There was a time when Hollywood would support a war effort and if not be jingoistic, wouldn't be anti-war. Sadly, that's not the case.

Perhaps we will see a director with the guts of Theo van Gogh, a man who made a film telling the truth about Islams treatment of women and died in the tsreet with a note tacked to his chest with a knife.

Perhaps we'll see a director who will make a film about the Muslim Janjaweeed in Darfur who have systematically raped and murdered tens of thousands in their quest for ethnic cleansing.

Sadly, I believe, we'll continue to see the drivel that has sunk Hollywood to the point that people just don't want to see movies anymore.

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