Monday, January 16, 2006

Speaking of Race

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On MLK's birthday, there's no better time than now to discuss race.

I find it appalling that a man who wished to see his children judged by "the content of their character" and not "the color of their skin" is exploited by those who wish to always be seen by the color of their skin.

If a black woman gets cut off in traffic, Jesse Jackson is there to say it was racism (only if TV camera's are around, if not, he doesn't give a shit). If an African-American does not get a promotion, there's the good Rev Sharpton claiming that it was racism. Hell, Jesse Jackson has made a living by shaking down corporations he accuses of being racist.

To the twin Revs I say: You make me friggin' sick.

We have come a long way in the civil rights struggle. Since the Civil Rights and Voting Acts were passed (The former of which Al Gore's father voted against and tried to lessen I might add), we have made enormous strides that were inconceivable before then. Blacks have more disposable income, have a lower instance of poverty and are better educated than ever before. If a black child wants to make it in America, they have the same opportunity as a first-generation Asian, Hispanic or any white child. If they choose to work hard, they will go far.

That said, the standards can't be changed to allow any person in the US to have an unfair advantage. If black families want their children to compete and get ahead, they have to push for more and better education. They have to set the example of a solid family life. They have to accept that this country owes them nothing. The unfair advantages rendered to the African-American community through quotas was the nations penance and we've atoned.

Let's make a deal: If we all believe that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a good man who spoke great truths, let's live by those truths. He asked us to judge by the content of ones character, not the color of ones skin. We are living up to our end, perhaps the shameful Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton should live up to their portion.

Picture via MCCSC who also has a biography.

Update: More on the bitter libs pissiness on MLK day.

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