Sunday, November 20, 2005

Zarqawi Dead?

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Reports say that the terrorist Zarqawi blew himself up when surrounded. One can hope.

Enjoy hell terrorist scum.

Via LGF.

Update: After taking some time and looking deep inside myself, I've decided to look at the root causes why Zarqawi cuts off innocents heads and attacks non-combatant citizens. That said, I've further decided to restate my previous position. I now rephrase it to this:

Enjoy the deepest parts of hell where they flay you for all eternity in a place with Mengele in charge and Stalin as the second in command deciding your fate on a daily basis.

That's better.

Update 2: The 98th British soldier was killed today, do you think the Brit press will have the collective orgasm at 100 dead as the US press did when we hit 2,000? Just asking.

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