Saturday, November 19, 2005

Saturday Morning Scuttlebutt

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Jed Babbin at Spectator blog:

For decades, many of these European governments have had no foriegn policy except anti-Americanism and no domestic policy except socialism. If the product of those policies is failure - as Melloan's examples prove redundantly it is - maybe European voters could come to realize that anti-Americanism hurts them far more than it hurts us. Europe has sunk so far into intellectual decadence, there's little hope it can be revived by non-traditional means. In the Euro context, by means other than war or revolution.

What broke up Phish? The same thing that broke up many creative bands. It really is amazing the Dead stayed together as long as they did.

Flight Pundit calls out Murtha and sets things straight.

Saudi royal pulls a Teddy Kennedy.

Update: MoDo has huge feet. No really.

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