Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Katrina Pix

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I don't know if these are legit, but if they are they're pretty wild.

Update: A commenter says these aren't real. I tend to agree. He said that terrain doesn't fit. I noticed that also, but having never been to southern Mississippi, I don't know what the terrain looks like.


Anonymous said...

Not Katrina.

I saw this debunked elsewhere. Short precis as best I remember...

These are pictures of mesocyclones, sometimes called (IIRC) "wall clouds.".

Hurricane Kartina was several hundered miles across, this isn't. Also, look at the landscape. This is your basic flat mid-west terrain.
Not a palm tree to be found...
Still pretty though.

Anonymous said...

I love mesocyclones, if these were from Katrina I'd probably faint, I don't think that these are from Katrina.I love mesocyclones so much I dream about them every night! Mesocyclones are awesome.I love the top picture, it is the scariest looking mesocyclone I've ever seen (except for in my dreams)! I can't wait until next tornado season comes!

p.s. I LOVE MESOCYCLONES!!!!!!!!!!