Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Hollywood Sinks Lower

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During the concert for New Orleans flood victims, some of the lower forms of life couldn't help themselves:

Political chatter was kept to a minimum at both events, with performers mostly sticking to the program: championing aid for New Orleans. But a few artists angrily denounced government officials for their slow response to Katrina's devastation. "I Wish New Orleans was dry and Washington was underwater," said Tom Waits. Bette Midler had even stronger words: "I got a letter from the Republican Party the other day. I wrote back, 'Go fuck yourself.'" She then added, "George Bush is a fan of mine -- he came to see me in the Seventies. His coke dealer brought him."

I agree with Bette that for anyone to actually want to see that irritating "singer" they'd have to be on serious drugs. Of course Bette couldn't lay the blame where it truly belonged; at the feet of local and state government. BDS has reached epic proportions.

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