Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Who Cares?

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A former contestant on the irritating show American Idol has a book out in which he claims that show judge and former bad music performer, Paula Abdul gave him advice and fooled around with him.

Corey Clark was a contestant several years ago and was bounced from the show because he failed to disclose an arrest for beating his sister. It seems as though he's getting payback at Abdul's expense. So what if Abdul assisted him? So what if she banged the dude? To use that as a premise to push a book and get your name on TV for a day or two is lower than scum.

If I were advising Paula Abdul, I'd admit that a sexual relationship did take place but that it was so short that she barely remebers it and that the dude was endowed like a flea. That'll at least give her some semblance of revenge.

Hey Corey, real men don't kiss and tell, but then again, real men don't appear on American Idol and then whine like a schoolgirl when they are bumped for being a suspected felon either.

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