Monday, March 21, 2005

My Last Post on the Schiavo Case

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As I've said already; I have serious problems with the federal government getting involved in the Terri Schiavo issue. I'm torn by the fact that if they did not, this woman would be allowed to die in a cruel way that even Ted Bundy wasn't subjected to.

That said, this is an issue for her family, not me or you. I know this is not the popular side to be on in the Conservative world, but as a Christian, I believe that if you can no longer function without outside help, you're being called home.

Does that mean that I think that no medical procedures should be employed? Of course not. I have to believe that the world Terri Schiavo is living in is not the life she may want if she's cognizant.

Put aside the fact the politics of this situation (which should not even be remotely involved) and think about what the world is to Terri Schiavo. Allegedly she told her husband that she didn't want to live this way, as I myself have told my wife. Think past the ideology of it and what you would want if you could possibly imagine being in these circumstances.

I remember cursing the government for getting involved in the Elian Gonzales fiasco as well as the Kevorkian situation. This case will not lead to euthanasia of humans.

I may regret this post a week or a year from now, but this is my feeling today.

Lileks has thoughts.

1 comment:

Patrick Lightbody said...

Thanks for reminding me that most conservatives are, in fact, conservatives (as opposed to today's "Republican"). I am a left-of-center person and identify as a Democrat, even though if it were 1970 I possibly would have identified as a Republican, or at the minimum a political nut with an identity crisis. It means a lot to know that not everyone is out there being dragged along by the party.

I've added you to my aggregator.
