Mini-minded Pundit attempts a few whacks at LGF and succeeds in the blogosphere equivalent of a fart in the wind. Unfortunately he is a scary indicator of how liberals think:
Hamas entering the political process could be the best thing to happen to Israel; it could cut attacks significantly, and create a healthy opposition for Abbas. If that option doesn't appeal to Johnson, then I think he's truly earned the war-monger label.
Hamas joined the political process years ago and all it's gotten Israel is death and mourning for the civilian populace. What other nuggets of wisdom does our buddy have for us? How about this about Ambassador nominee John Bolton:
This man has to be the worst possible candidate for the job. It's going to be next to impossible for him to accomplish anything; he hasn't even been confirmed yet, and he's already pissed off the entire U.N. Plus, Mark Leon Goldberg points out that he will likely hamper the struggle against the Janjaweed. Speaking of which, I have a modest proposal to deal with genocide in the future. Much has been made of the use of military contractors in Iraq; there are estimated to by (sic) 15,000 to 20,000 present in that country alone. That amount would be more than sufficient to combat most genocidal armies. If a non-profit corporation were to emerge, funded by private donations, that could hire that many mercenaries (Screw Kozesque--ed.)(which is what we'd need; contractors technically aren't allowed to attack, which is what the force would be doing) we could have a private anti-genocide force on our hands. I don't know the legality of such a group, and I don't much care. If it so much as saves one live, it'd be a positive force. Anyway, just a proposal.
The struggle against the Janjaweed? Dylan you moron, there is no UN struggle against the Janjaweed. The UN denizens in Sudan are more interested in sexually abusing young girls than protecting the citizens who are being raped and murdered.
Monday, March 07, 2005
Mini-Minded Pundit Is More Stupid Than I'd Imagined
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9:58 PM
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It is surprising to see any liberal arguing for corporate (even non-profit corporate) armies. That is usually a position reserved to the wackier libertarians.
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