Free Speech Squashed
What do al-Jazeera and Ann Coulter have in common? They both were not allowed to express opinions at the "progressive" confluence known as the Donk convention. First Coulter:
NEW YORK USA Today has dropped plans for conservative columnist Ann Coulter to write a daily column from the Democratic National Convention this week after an editing dispute over her first piece could not be resolved on Monday. Jonah Goldberg, a contributor to the National Review, has agreed to take her place, with his first column slated to run Tuesday."It was just differences over editing of a fairly ordinary kind," said USA Today Editorial Page Editor Brian Gallagher. "We had some different conceptions of what the column should be, we tried to work them out and when we couldn't, we decided the best course of action was for us to go our own ways."The plan to have Coulter take shots at the DNC got off to a delayed start after editors held her first column, slated for Monday morning's print edition, asking that she make changes to it before it ran. "Ms. Coulter filed a column for today's paper and our editors made some suggestions and asked her to consider them," USA Today spokesman Steve Anderson said early Monday. "But by that point it was late in the day (Sunday) and there was no rush to get it in the paper, so we decided to hold it for a day." Anderson would not discuss the content of the column.
Here's the column:
Here at the Spawn of Satan convention in Boston, conservatives are deploying a series of covert signals to identify one another, much like gay men do. My allies are the ones wearing crosses or American flags. The people sporting shirts emblazoned with the "F-word" are my opponents. Also, as always, the pretty girls and cops are on my side, most of them barely able to conceal their eye-rolling.
Democrats are constantly suing and slandering police as violent, fascist racists – with the exception of Boston's police, who'll be lauded as national heroes right up until the Democrats pack up and leave town on Friday, whereupon they'll revert to their natural state of being fascist, racist pigs.
Now to al-Jazeera:
Organisers at the Democratic Party convention in United States have removed Aljazeera's logotype banner from its skybox without assigning reasons.
Aljazeera's skybox is one of the several that media organisations use as broadcast booths to cover the upcoming convention in Boston to confirm John Kerry's nomination as George Bush's presidential challenger in November.
"We found that the banner disappeared for some reason," Aljazeera's Washington bureau chief Hafiz al-Mirazi said.
The crushing of rights continues unabated.
Update: Now they're after Al Gore. Will this oppression never end?
Update #2: Now they're going after Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. Will this madness never end? Free Triumph!
Monday, July 26, 2004
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