This blog is a release for me. I have always craved information. Not just political or historic, just information. My beautiful Wife calls me the the Rainman (Charlie Babbett). I don't just read, I consume information. I have two perfect kids who I give considerable time and energy as I try to do with my Wife, plus a job which I give the same. Do I wish I blogged more? Well, actually no. I post when the days events require it, or when I just need some time to release frustration at what I see or hear. Hell, I have no idea how many people read this, or care for that matter. My grammar sucks (but the spelling is always right save typos), and I'm not as analytical as I'd like. But still I write.
I do believe that blogging is a harbinger of a new media. Perhaps that media is upon us. It doesn't matter what your ideology may be, Lib, Neocon, Paleocon, Looney-Lefty, whatever. You can write what you feel, and be smacked upside the head or praised within minutes or hours. The greatest thing is its pissing off the "Old Media" something fierce.
Enough of that though. Here's what I read daily;
Lileks-A guy who doesn't have the time but enjoys it anyway.
Taranto-A guy who gets paid to do it and earns every dollar. The first read when I get home.
Lucianne-Mother of Jonah and leading a crazed group of Conservatives.
Tim Blair-A guy who actually has me caring about something stupid Margo wrote or Simon Crean said.
Slate-Lib and proud of it. I'll rail at Noah and agree with a Marxist named Hitchens.
Drudge-Kinda like Entertainment Tonight but has the stories ASAP.
VodkaPundit-The kinda guy who would probably piss me off in a bar thinking He's smarter than most, but thinking to myself that, He's right, He is.
LGF-On a mission to show the world what it is either too consumed with their own thoughts, or too lazy to get the correct facts, or is too anti-semitic to see what is really happening in Israel. Indispensible.
The American Prowler-Excellent political news and excellent writers.
Glenn Reynolds-Still the best. I think I have a poignant thought and He's either already wrote about it or linked to it. Damn him.
Mugger-Music, baseball, and politics, what's not to like. He is a Conservative who can see when Republicans say something stupid and point it out.
I'll finish this post tomorrow with links but I'm too friggin tired.
I can be e-mailed at
Thursday, November 13, 2003
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