Monday, May 12, 2003

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Who besides die-hard Clintonistas and Sidney Blumenthal still listen to Terry McCauliffe:

Democrats are continuing to grouse about President Bush's decision last week to use a Viking jet to land on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln (search). Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe (search) has issued this statement, "Considering the expense to the American taxpayer and use of American military men and women as 'extras' for this media stunt, the president should pledge that his landing not appear in any presidential campaign commercials and videos." McAuliffe also called Bush's choice "indefensible." The White House is about as likely to issue such a statement as Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., (search) is to stop mentioning his service in Vietnam. And in fact, the White House is throwing the profligacy charge back at Democrats. White House spokesman Ari Fleischer claimed yesterday that the president actually saved taxpayers money. Fleisher said the Viking jet costs just $7 more to operate each hour than does a helicopter. Said Fleischer: "Given the fact that it actually takes a Viking less time to travel than a helicopter, you can do the math."

Brit Hume can smack 'em with the best.

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