Friday, May 09, 2003

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Maxine Waters is scared:

While Republicans praised Murdoch, most Democrats were chafing under the strict rules of examination imposed on the witnesses. Sensenbrenner told committee members he would gavel out of order any lawmaker who strayed beyond the narrow antitrust scope of the committee's jurisdiction.

Michigan Democratic Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., found Sensenbrenner's iron hand particularly galling, considering that more Democrats turned out for the hearing than Republicans.

When asked what issues he was being prevented from examining, the senior Democrat on the committee said in an interview: 'The connections between (Fox News chairman and CEO) Roger Ailes and the White House. What the hell is that all about? It's like there's a direct line between the administration and Ailes. You can see it. There are plenty of political and policy implications in that.'

Sensenbrenner was not entirely successful in keeping Democratic ire out of the record as Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., told Murdoch that he was 'scaring the hell out of her.'

Waters contends that Murdoch's increasingly dominant media empire is squeezing out other, more liberal voices.

'When they use the term fair and balanced reporting, it really means conservative and biased,' she said.

I don't recall hearing any of this during the Clinton News Network times. My heart is pumping piss for you Maxine.

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