Tuesday, March 25, 2003

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Same old Hillary and Bill:

After several Lincoln Town Cars with tinted windows had dropped off their well-heeled passengers, a gleaming Escalade, Cadillac’s luxury SUV, pulled up to the neo-Georgian mansion at 3067 Whitehaven St., in Northwest Washington.

A shaven-headed man with athletic build, wearing a black leather jacket, got out, followed by a woman with platinum blond hair. They walked to the front door.

Despite the initial confusion of the small crowd on the street, the man was not a hip-hop star, but a bodyguard protecting Linda Daschle, wife of Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle (S.D.).

Daschle, unobtrusive in a plain blue suit, had slipped out of the vehicle ahead of them and was waiting on the front steps, as though a member of the advance team preparing to meet someone important — which was true.

I see three glaring things here;

The Democratic leader travels in a gas guzzling SUV;

He is a lapdog not only to his wife but to Hillary, and;

Even during a war the Dems can't stop thinking about money.

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