Friday, February 26, 2010

The Week That Was

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Busy all this week so posting was light but here's what went on:

-AL Gore got the business from Apple shareholders this week and like usual, sat there like a lump and said nothing. I guess when you've swindled thousands of loser businesses into buying billions of dollars of useless carbon credits and made millions in the process by hawking a a problem that has been shown to be a myth you don't have to say much.

-Obama met with the GOP--a move I was against. Fortunately, the GOP took it to the Dems and The One and he came off looking awful.

-The White House spokesmagazine lost a good deal of money last year. I guess Obamanomics is working out about as well for the lying bastards at Newsweek as it is for the rest of us.

-The Dems tried pulling a fast one by secretly installing an amendment that would allow CIA interrogators to be arrested and tried for using excessive force. That would have been incredibly disastrous for our national security. The GOP was smarter as is usually the case and the weasels removed it.

-Great moments in socialized medicine. Remember, this is what Obama wants for us.

-Charlie Rangel is proven a crook and the MSM ignores it as usual. A shocker on both counts, don't you think?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Climate Change Debunked Everywhere But Newsweek

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Newsweek magazine was forced to retract a 1975 article in which they did a whole issue on global cooling and the world havoc that would result from it. This from a magazine that published a false story about flushing a Koran down a toilet that led directly to deaths.

With the rest of the world seeing clearly that global warming "science" is widely skewed and realizing that they've spent billions of dollars that could have been better spent on helping their own citizens, Newsweek remains firmly in the global warming cocoon.

Walter Mead explains, in-depth, how the last gasps of the global warming swindle remain but largely how the myth has been debunked so easily and quickly. It's been a tough few months for our green brothers and sisters as it's finally dawned on them that they've been had. They bought into a cult that was designed for nothing more than enriching people like Al Gore and redistributing money from wealthy nations to poor ones.

But not Newsweek. No, when presented with facts that show the "science" was a scam, they hold their collective hands over their ears and utter passages from An Inconvenient Truth really loudly. They are bitter and are taking out their ire on one man who was a loud sceptic from the beginning. In what can only be labeled a rant from a whiny teenager, Sharon Begley goes off on Lomborg without facts, reason or thinking that could even be considered rational.

This is the last gasp of a dying religion and one can only be thankful that it will be relegated to the dustbin of history with other false pseudo-religions like communism and Nazism.

Exit question: Does Begley look exactly like the smug, rebuked global warming supporter you thought?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Obama to American People: Go to hell

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In spite of every single poll showing dwindling support for The one and the bloodbath the Dem's suffered in NJ, VA and MA, Obama is plunging ahead with healthcare reform and telling the American people that they either are too stupid to know what is best for them or just plain telling us to go screw ourselves. Either way, we're going to be paying one hell of a bill:

This morning, President Obama released his latest health care blueprint, which he hopes will breathe life into his moribund effort to overhaul one-sixth of the U.S. economy. The new blueprint is almost exactly the same as the House and Senate health care bills that the public have opposed since July. It mostly just splits the difference between the two.

One new element, however, is the president’s proposal to impose a new type of government price control on health insurance premiums. I explain here how those price controls are a veiled form of government rationing that helped sink the Clinton health plan.

If anything, those price controls make the president’s new plan even more bureaucratic and government-heavy. The Senate bill would take an ill-advised stab at cost-control by imposing a tax on the highest-cost health plans. That president proposes to pare back that excise tax and instead have a panel of federal bureaucrats cap the growth in health insurance premiums for all health plans. Those new government powers could make it even harder for people to obtain the coverage and care that they need.

How bad is it? The CBO can't even score it and tell us the actual costs, which even the Dems say will be over a trillion in the next decade.

I heard Gingrich on Hannity today say that he believes the American people would go ballistic if they rammed this down our throats. That may be the case but the Republican's have got to distance themselves from everything in this bill. they can't go to the healthcare summit with OBama on Thursday and show any weakness. They must be stout and require that any bill include major tort reform, no new taxes and a pay go status. They must also tell Reid that no way will they be a part of any sweetheart deals like the one given Mary Landrieu and unions. If Obama doesn't play ball on all of these issues, they need to make a statement and walk out in front of the entire nation.

The American people want nothing to do with healthcare reform and the only ones who can represent us and defend the idea of an America governed by the people and for the people are the GOP. I'm not hopeful as they've shown they are experts at losing every advantage afforded them but one can be hopeful.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday Evening News & Notes

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Russia and the Czech's going at it in Olympic hockey. The US faces Canada tonight.

Here's what's news:

-Everywhere in the world, Climategate is big news. In the US it's the ignored 900-pound gorilla in the room.

-When the largest conservative gathering boos a a homophobe, we are making some progress. I've always been a firm believer in the fact that you're born gay. To exclude them is no different than excluding those who are Asian, Black or purple. It's hurt us as a party and hurt us as a nation. They don't deserve more rights, just the same rights as we do. Even the gay community is starting to come to the realization that the Dems have been giving them nothing but lip service just as they've done with the African-American community for decades to the extreme detriment of that particular group.

-The Israeli's claim to have a drone fleet of planes capable of reaching Iran. That sound you just heard was Ahmadinejad dropping a deuce in his drawers.

-Noted statutory rapist and US convicted felon wins prestigious award. The arts community has no shame.

-Spain succumbs to al-Qaeda. Why not just give them Barcelona and be done with it.

-Keynesianism gone nuts.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday Night News and Notes

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Tired. Happy tomorrow's Friday.

Here's what's new:

-Some idiot who was pissed at George W. Bush and the IRS flew his plane into a building used by the IRS. Of course the reflex action by a Washington Post contributor is to blame it on Tea Party folk. Allahpundit sets him straight.

-Unemployment was up last week but more ominously, so was inflation. Stagflation would make what we've gone through in the last year seem like a joke. But hey, ABC gave the stimulus clusterfuck a solid B- so who the hell am I to argue? I mean, it's produced no discernible jobs and probably won't so we'll see another to prove that Keynesian economics are the only way to go, even if it costs us quintillions.

-To most of us, there is nothing that contains our most intimate details like a smart phone. You can tell a lot from a persons phone and those details could now be used as evidence without a search warrant. More government intrusion.

-How worried is the government about inflation? A great deal. Simple economics dictates that you can't print trillions and not expect to see volatility, which is what those of us opposed to Porkulus have said from the beginning. Inflation will be a bitch and the end of Obama's dream of a second term.

-Awesome! Killing mosquitoes with lasers. It's amazing what people can do with money and the will to create:

-GOP on jobs bill: Thanks, but no thanks.

-Tom Friedman is a raging hypocrite. Just another global warming swindle perpetrator.

The World Should Be Thanking Israel, Not Condemning

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Once again, the Israeli's took things into their own hands. They take the biblical quote "an eye for an eye" literally and must do so for their survival. And once again, the world acts outraged. If this had been done by a Palestinian and he assassinated and Israeli, you'd be hearing much, much less.

The outrage today comes from Britain and Ireland whose forged passports the Mossad agents used. This is a daily occurrence in the covert ops business and every nation is guilty of it. The Brits are trying to keep Londonistan from going insane while Ireland doesn't want to be portrayed as conspirators so they have to feign outrage. There's a US angle as well.

But the Israeli's were well within their rights to take out Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai. He admittedly killed two Israeli soldiers and was involved in numerous other plots. He was the Hamas military commander and would certainly have killed more Israeli's in the future. Hell, he probably plotted attempts resembling the one that finally sent him to meet his forty virgins in paradise.

The man was a member of a terrorist organization and the Mossad did what had to be done because the Israeli's understand something that George W. Bush did but Barack Obama is just starting to: terrorist's understand one thing and one thing only and that is personal fear and force. If they believe you can get to them, they will think twice and the Israeli's don't have Miranda Rights. If they could track Mahmoud al-Mabhouh and kill him in a Dubai hotel then no one who commits acts of terror against Israel is safe.

An eye for an eye.

More here.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday Night News and Notes

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Here's what's new:

-American intelligence officials captured one hell of a big fish it looks like. This may well signal a big shift in Pakistani policy or they finally decided to give us something for all the money we've been pumping into the corrupt nation. Good work to the intel guys, they deserve as much credit when they do well since they take tons of abuse when they don't. A side note: The NY Times had this story and held it because the Obama administration asked them to. You think they'd have held it if Bush had asked?

-Scott Brown calls out Obama and challenges him to a game of hoops at the White House. Brown said he'd bring his daughter along and they could sell tickets and give the money to Haiti. I'm guessing The One would refuse rather quickly.

-Obama supports nukes? Uh, probably not but he's floating that trial balloon to see what happens. The Left will go insane if he goes along with it. Now if we can just get him to allow us to drill for oil and natural gas instead of leaving all that money below the mantle of the planet.

-This has got to be some kind of record; a majority say they don't want Obama to stick around for another term. Hope and change is now "we hope to hell he's gone in three years and we really need a change in the Oval Office".

-Why the hell are the Republicans going to the health care circle jerk when they know full-well they will be demonized by the Dems anyway? The majority of people say scrap the bullshit bill and start again. Unless the GOP can secure tort reform, they have no business wasting their time.

-Great moments in socialized medicine. Yeah, that's what we need here in the good old US of A. Yes, it's actually in the communist rag The Guardian.

-If you needed another reason to wonder why the Episcopal Church split, here it is. Dude, er, you eminence, I'm sure as hell not giving up my I-Pod. Quoth the Bishop of London who noted that reducing carbon output was "an opportunity to demonstrate the love of God in a practical way." Maybe it's me and maybe I'll go straight to hell for saying this but who the hell is this a-hole to say that God cares one way or another about carbon output or whether or not I use less lights? This is why people get turned off by religion.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Joe Biden is Insane

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I commented earlier how Biden took credit for the biggest success of the Bush presidency but the guy has got to be clinically stupid to think that this wouldn't be broadcast all of the net:

Biden was wrong on every single aspect of Iraq except to vote for authorization, which he then went back on when things didn't go exactly as planned. The GOP has to hammer Biden with this ad nauseum and everywhere they can. Obama is quickly becoming the liar president and old plastic Biden isn't helping. The American people know damn well that it wasn't Obama who had the balls to allow Petraeus to win Iraq. I'm betting Biden gets dropped when the Obama administration goes into full on panic mode in 2012 when they realize that Hope and Change isn't exactly working in the next campaign.

Monday Night News and Notes

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Guess what? More snow falling. Shocker.

Here's what's new:

You know how "real journalists" always bust on bloggers because we don't have layers of fact checking and editors so we can't be trusted? That's working out really well at the NY Times.

-According to a study funded in part by those with an interest in the petroleum industry, the US will lose out on $2.36 trillion in revenue from the bans on drilling for oil and natural gas in ANWR and off the coasts. We're talking energy independence, jobs and major export money at our fingertips and Congress won't let us touch it.

-The Top 100 Conservative Websites. Alas, your old buddy ER isn't among them. I'm sure I was on the bubble like #101...

-Governor Terry Pawlenty follows NJ guv Chris Christie in the attempt to reinstitute fiscal sanity.

-Why can't we have government just like Europe? Liberals always ask that.

-In honor of Presidents Day, an essay on the greatness of that great Republican; Abraham Lincoln.

-This is humorous:

Evan Bayh Bails on the Dems

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Senator Evan Bayh realized that casting an affirmative vote for Obamacare was just too much of an anchor when it comes to reelection:

Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh will not seek re-election this year, a decision that hands Republicans a prime pickup opportunity in the middle of the country.

"After all these years, my passion for service to my fellow citizens is undiminished, but my desire to do so by serving in Congress has waned," Bayh will say, according to prepared remarks obtained by the Fix. He will make the decision formal at a press conference later today.

In his statement, Bayh cited the lack of bipartisan comity as one of the main reasons for the decision. "There is too much partisanship and not enough progress -- too much narrow ideology and not enough practical problem-solving," Bayh will say. "Even at a time of enormous challenge, the peoples' business is not being done." He specifically cited the recent vote that killed the creation of a debt commission as evidence of the partisan gridlock.
Bayh says that he believes he would have won another term but there's no way he leaves the Dems in the lurch with only one day to get a replacement without going through the caucus process. Obamacare is the focal point of the great anger this nation is feeling right now. If Obama had put one on-hundredth of energy into creating jobs and fixing the economy as he did Obamacare, we'd be in better shape than we are now. Instead, the administration pushed for any deal despite the fact that America despises the very idea and the Democrats worked behind closed doors while making shady deals with individual senators and unions while leaving the rest of us to fend for ourselves.

Bayh's vote for Obamacare is the most prevalent reason he's not seeking another term regardless if he admits it or not. He would most-likely have lost as it's shaping up to be a year in which the GOP can take back the Senate and make huge gains in the House. What an incredible development considering where they were in November 2008.

"No Global Warming Since 1995"--Phil Jones

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So says the central "scientist" whose writings and hypotheses have been the basis of the entire global warming movement. Here's the goods (or bads if you were suckered in by this lying weasel and believed in the global warming swindle):

Professor Jones also conceded the possibility that the world was warmer in medieval times than now – suggesting global warming may not be a man-made phenomenon.

And he said that for the past 15 years there has been no ‘statistically significant’ warming.

The admissions will be seized on by sceptics as fresh evidence that there are serious flaws at the heart of the science of climate change and the orthodoxy that recent rises in temperature are largely man-made.
Read it all but that's it for the biggest scam of modern times. The entire premise was that the world was warmer now than at any time, including medieval times. Without that basis, the entire house of cards comes tumbling down and we'll see a whole gaggle of politicians and "scientist's" stumbling and mumbling about why they spent enormous amounts of money on a theory that was created by a guy who can't keep correct data and now admits that the holy grail was nothing but an empty dixie cup.

Vindication for those of us who saw through this scam from day one and who were treating as outcasts, heretics and labeled "flat Earthers". We saw through the "hockey stick" BS and the claims that seemed to be rooted in anything but science. People like Tim Blair and James Delingpole who went against a much stronger current of environmental zealotry than anyone in the US has. As an aside, Americans are inherently sceptical and I would imagine that's why we never went as insane with GW policy as Europe did.

Perhaps the non-politicians of the world will be sceptical of everything thrown out there by liberals who wish for nothing more than a huge shift of wealth where they can get their piece of the pie at the expense of nations who are first world.

Update: Much more at Watt's Up With That?

Update: There's been a ton of bad things blamed on GW. I guess that it wasn't Mother Nature's fault after all. Maybe the snow we've gotten is because she's pissed we blamed her when it was a lying scientist who was actually playing fast and loose with the facts.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Weekly Good, Bad and Really Ugly

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Haven't posted in a few days so here's a quick review of the week:


-US, British and Canadian forces are attacking the Taliban in the Helmand Province town of Marjah. This is the largest offensive in years and the first big offensive since Obama took office. Thank you to our great and long-term allies who are helping us. This will be a tough slog but we have the greatest military in the world and the best soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines to get the job done. Two NATO fighters have given the ultimate for the cause.

-NJ Governor Chris Christie was elected to get the Garden State's fiscal house in order. He's living up to that by freezing spending via executive order and pissing off the Democrats in the process. He's making some hard choices and has stuck to his pledge to cut spending and not raise taxes even though the pressure to do so has been intense. Expect to hear some bad things about the guv and expect to read story after story of how people are suffering because of the cold-hearted conservative currently leading the state with the highest taxes in the nation. The Dems/libs will come after him hard led by the left-wing rag the Newark Star-Ledger.


-A professor whom was denied tenure shot three people in Huntsville, AL. Liberals will paint this as some crazed hillbilly gun nut who clings to religion shooting up a school. They would be lying.

-Obama signs Pay Go--a pay as you go plan-the day after he signs off on a debt ceiling increase of another $1.9-trillion. Yes, with a "t". He's spending us into oblivion.


-Joe Biden actually had the gall to say the following:

I am very optimistic about Iraq. I think it's going to be one of the great achievements of this administration.
This is the same a-hole who proposed a dumb ass three-state solution and Obama is the one who was vehemently against the surge when President Bush proposed it. The very same surge that cost Bush a ton politically but saved the Iraqi nation and the lives of a great many of our troops. Obama was in the Harry Reid and Murtha camp and didn't trust in our military leaders as capable. After Bush's instincts proved successful and our men and women accomplished the supposed impossible, Biden claims credit for the man who did nothing. The Iraq war wasn't even a campaign issue by the end of the summer in 2008. For the record, the Iraq Victory celebration happened even before Obama was inaugurated.

If I had the ear of prominent Republicans, I would produce ads featuring Obama, Biden, Reid and Pelosi expressing severe doubts about the surge and then add that little claim by Biden at the end. The American people know damn well who won and who will get credit and sure as hell won't be Obama or Biden.

-How much money was redistributed in the name of saving the climate? Trillions and trillions on a claim that has been proven to be hideously wrong. At least we didn't fall for it as much as the Aussie's or Europe did.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday Morning News & Notes

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Still snowing. I'll try to get to work but it's looking pretty hairy out there.

Anyway, here's what's news:

-Senator DeMint tweets:

It's going to keep snowing in DC until Al Gore cries "uncle"
-Exploding the "green jobs" myth. Give tax incentives to build nuclear power plants, refineries and drill for oil and our economy will come roaring back.

-Porkulus II is on the way and the GOP has to stand up as one and say no. They have the ability now and they can explain in detail that Keynesian economics has failed dramatically.

-Illinois got hit with a 4.3 earthquake overnight. I blame Bush.

-Is there anything Mountain Dew can't do?

-Turns out it was upset small businessmen who paid for the George W. Bush "Miss me yet" billboards. Just another example of small town America showing their unease and disappointment in Obama.

More Liberal Astroturfing

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Since the left has never been able to get grassroots traction like the Tea Party movement, they've gone the direction they always go...astroturfing:

A seemingly grassroots organization that's mounted an online campaign to counter the tea party movement is actually the front end of an elaborate scheme that funnels funds -- including sizable labor union contributions -- through the offices of a prominent Democratic party lawyer.

A Web site popped up in January dedicated to preventing the tea party's "radical" and "dangerous" ideas from "gaining legislative traction," targeting GOP candidates in Illinois for the firing squad.

"This movement is a fad," proclaims, which was established by the American Public Policy Center (APPC), a D.C.-based campaign shop that few people have ever heard of.

But a close look reveals the APPC's place in a complex network of money flowing from the mountainous coffers of the country's biggest labor unions into political slush funds for Democratic activists.

...Varoga and Rakis keep a central mailing address in Washington, pulling in soft money contributions from unions and other well-padded sources to engage in what amounts to a legal laundering system. The money -- tens of millions of dollars -- gets circulated around to different states by the 527s, which pay for TV ads, Internet campaigns and lobbyist salaries, all while keeping the hands of the unions clean -- for the most part.

Remember, these are the same people who went ballistic a few weeks ago when SCOTUS shot down McCain-Feingold. They like the status quo because it made it much easier to pilfer hard-earned union workers funds and use them for purposes the local bricklayer or checkout girl never intended them to be used for.

All the players would be indicted under RICO laws if they weren't protected by the campaign finance laws that were overturned. It's a scam and one that will just inflame those who have become intrigued by the Tea Partiers. These people are scared by what happened in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts because they know their money laundering days are numbered if the Tea Partiers gain anymore clout or traction.

The unions have been dying of late and the one way to regain any momentum is to keep their Democrat cronies in power. They saw card check and other Obama policy initiatives as their way to gain back prestige and members. The libertarian/conservative Tea Partiers aim to ensure that doesn't happen.

Too late, losers.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Tuesday Night News and Notes

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My son turned 14 yesterday. I'm feeling old.

Anyway, here's what's new:

-The best internet golf game ever.

-Good news for the workers of America.

-Leon Wieseltier of the magazine that Andrew Sullivan once was a major part of dissects King Andy of Palinuterusland. I'm not linking to that loser but I find it funny that the man who has made his sole mission in life proving that Trig Palin did not come out of Sarah's uterus is now complaining about "ad hominem" attacks and "vendettas". Nice takedown, Mr. Wieseltier.

-Stimulus II is coming to light and the GOP should run as fast as they can in the other direction. It's called a jobs bill but it's anything but.

-It's the Constitution, stupid.

-Wild chickens in the Bronx. If the Obama economy keeps going the way it is, they won't last long.

-Pamela Geller eviscerates Ron Reagan, Jr. It's the frighteningly bad Joyless Behar show but it's worth dealing with her bullshit to see Pam pick apart the liberal progeny of the Greatest President of the Last 50 Years:

Senate Global Warming Meeting Canceled Due to Snow

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Further proof that Gaia just doen't want us discussing global warming:

- The Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works will hold a hearing entitled, "Global Warming Impacts, Including Public Health, in the United States."

All the snow we've had has been a royal pain in the ass but it's had one good effect and that's shutting down the Senate and keeping those buffoons from making any new laws.

Is Rahm Emanuel on th Way Out?

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I would say he stick around a bit longer since every Democrat who bitched about him did it the way pussy libs always do it...anonymously:

Democrats in Congress are holding White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel accountable for his part in the collapse of healthcare reform.

The emerging consensus among critics in both chambers is that Emanuel’s lack of Senate experience slowed President Barack Obama’s top domestic priority.

The share of the blame comes as cracks are beginning to show in Emanuel’s once-impregnable political armor. Last week he had to apologize after a report surfaced that he called liberal groups “retarded” in a private meeting.

While Emanuel has quelled that controversy by meeting with advocates for people with disabilities, on Capitol Hill he’s under fire for poor execution of the president’s healthcare agenda in the Senate.

"I think Rahm ran the play his boss called; once Obama called the play, Rahm did everything he could to pass it, scorched-earth and all that,” said a senior lawmaker, who added that Emanuel didn’t seek a broader base of Senate Republicans. “I think he did miscalculate the Senate. He did what he thought he had to do to win."
Blah, blah, blah. Emanuel is a vile political animal out of the gutters of Chicago. He cares about nothing else but ramming through the policies that mean the most to him and Obama. Obama was and remains an amateur and Emanuel was the one who supposedly knew the ropes. He famously said "You don’t ever want a crisis to go to waste" when discussing the recession. He was the one who dictated the strategy of ramming through the stimulus and healthcare. He's the one who instructs Obama to play every side of an issue and to bail when the going gets bad. He's been bad for Obama and bad for the country.

Now if any Democrat would actually grow a pair and come out against him on the record we'd see a nice melee in the party of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Top Banned Super Bowl Commercials of All Time

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Over at HuffPo they have them.

This will still rank among the favorites:

The best ad ever shown during the SB had to be this:

26 years ago when the internet we know today wasn't even a dream.

Global Warming Belief Melting Away

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In the seven years I've been writing this blog (damn, 7 years is an eon in the blogosphere but I digress) I've pointed out numerous instances where the facts presented about global warming just didn't add up. Let's just say I was one of the sceptics back when being a sceptic made one a pariah--especially in the environmental business in which I make my living. It was kind of like eating a roast beef sandwich for lunch while working for PETA.

Anyway, in the last six months or so, we've seen the carefully constructed "science" behind the case for man-caused global warming be obliterated. From the "hide the decline" e-mail leak to the Himalayan glacier embarrassment, it's been a non-stop rebuke to those who made their name and their money from perpetuating this myth. Somewhere along the line, too many governments and too many universities got in on the act and it snowballed to the point that it was no longer about the science but about the cash one could make by adjusting the numbers and calling it science.

When the Climate Research Unit e-mails were released, we got an unprecedented look at just how important it was to those who were leaders in global warming studies to make the data fit their preconceived notions--about as unscientific as anything can be. Science is disproving things and looking at all the data to determine a hypothesis, not fudging numbers to make your work look better. These guys were the world leaders on climate science and billions if not trillions of dollars have been spent by nations around the world based on what these guys wrote and passed off as legitimate science. That's billions of dollars, shekels, rupees, euros, pesos and pounds that could have been spent on needy places like Haiti and Ghana. Instead the money was moved in the biggest Ponzi schemes ever devised in an effort to redistribute money from the 1st world to the 3rd. A liberal wet dream is there ever was one.

But now the jig is up and the news is out, the world is starting to catch on that we've been had. The Brits have been huge supporters of carbon emissions reduction and belief in the Great Global Warming Swindle but that's changed dramatically and just in the last three months:

The Populus poll of 1,001 adults found 25% did not think global warming was happening, a rise of 8% since a similar poll was conducted in November.

The percentage of respondents who said climate change was a reality had fallen from 83% in November to 75% this month.

And only 26% of those asked believed climate change was happening and "now established as largely man-made"...

"It is very unusual indeed to see such a dramatic shift in opinion in such a short period," Populus managing director Michael Simmonds told BBC News.

"The British public are sceptical about man's contribution to climate change - and becoming more so," he added.

"More people are now doubters than firm believers."
This is from the very liberal BBC I should note.

I know that weather and climate are two mutually exclusive things but people are out in weather every day and have discerned that it's not been getting warmer in the aggregate, but getting colder. I know that the fot of snow I'm looking at right now outside my window is what it's always been; winter precipitation and nothing more. But when we get hit with two huge storms in a month and a half, people start to get sceptical. Add to that the fact that these global warming zealots have said it's because of global warming that we are having these storms and the average persons bullshit meter pegs at eleven.

Climate change politics and global warming rhetoric is not dead but it's waning. Once more people realize that it's OK to ask questions and not be labeled a "flat earther" or some other such garbage, the more people will realize they've been had. Once that happens, the money will start to dry up and the issue will fade until the next one comes along and the next after that.

Until that battle, we are seeing the beginning of the end of the Great Global Warming Swindle.

Update: California Republicans have launched a ballot initiative that would suspend greenhouse gas emission rules in the state until the unemployment rate improves to 5.5% or better. I bet it will pass too.

Saturday Morning News & Notes

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Damn, it's still snowing like crazy. This storm is nasty and a plow hasn't even considered going down my street. I'm glad I have a carbon-spewing 4 by 4 outside so I can get to important places like the liquor store.

Here's some pix from in front of my house:

Here's what's going on in this crazy world:

-Obama's solipsism knows no bounds.

-Americans like Obama's Keynesian economic policies about as much as child molesters, rapist's and getting chlamydia. But hey, Tim Geithner says that the chances of suffering through a double-dip recession are less than last year so we have that I guess.

-Barbara Boxer is currently in her third term as US Senator. She's still doesn't know what the hell she's doing. We're in the very best of hands.

-I never knew there was such a thing as "Danish special forces" but evidently there is and they kicked some Somali pirate asses. Nice work, guys.

-Now this is a good question.

Friday, February 05, 2010

Friday Night Videos--All Mother Nature Edition

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It's been awhile since I posted some vids on TGIF. That said, here we go on a night we're awaiting Gaia's wrath for using too much fossil fuel. She's pissed and is about to drop about 12-18 inches of powdery, white global warming on our asses.

She's pissed we didn't appease her by selling out America and capitalism at Copenhagen and we're about to pay our penance for the second time this year with a snow storm leaving double digits on the deck.

So in honor of Her and as a sort of musical sacrifice since virgins are in short supply, I bring you music inspired by Gaia's majesty and bad things the bitch can do to us when she's not pleased.

We start with the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Snow (Hey oh):

Next we have not weather but another type of disaster Gaia can shock us with when she's suffering through that time of the month. Here's two earthquake inspired songs starting with the beautiful and immensely talented Natalie Merchant and San Andreas Fault:

Next we have the Grateful Dead (you knew I'd sneak one in somehow) with California Earthquake. In 1989 the Loma Prieta quake hit the bay area, the Dead were scheduled to play the Philly Spectrum and I had tickets. In my younger, more selfish days, I was concerned whether or not they'd cancel and stay home to look after their families and houses. Fortunately, they came on schedule and played this gem they hadn't ever played until this night as far as a I know. It was a magical night in that old and storied building and I'd never heard such a response from a song that was new and unheard before at a Dead show:

Next we have some old school Neil Young with Like a Hurricane. This was always one of my favorites and he nails it here. The dude abuses a guitar and gets sounds that guitars shouldn't pour forth from the amps. The sound quality is off but not irritatingly so:

Finally, a nice gem from 1996 with The Who and David Gilmour and Love Reign O'er Me from Quadrophenia. Gilmour ads a different sound and Roger's sporting an eye patch for some reason.

I know it's "reign" instead of "rain" but it's used metaphorically so I went with it. Plus, this is my blog and I can do what I want so just shut the hell up and listen. This is a monarchy, not a democracy. I am a benevolent king, however.

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Wednesday Night News & Notes

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The Super Bowl is only days away and the excitement is...just not happening. I'm not even hearing people BS about it at work.

Anyway, here's what new:

-Last night I wrote that one dude I'd really like to crack in the jaw is Olbermann. I'd like to add John Edwards to the list. Not only is the dude a f-ing pansy who cares more about his hair than any woman, he hit his wife who is struggling with cancer. Elizabeth Edwards has been proven to be a mean person but dude, you can't hit a woman, period. I'd love to beat the pansy-ass former senator from NC all the way from Charlotte to Raleigh/Durham and over to the Outer Banks. I give this remebrance that shows what a solipsistic, arrogant bastard this douchebag is:

-So how's that whole releasing prisoners to save money after you screwed up the budget thing working for you, Governator?

-Special Olympics to Rahm Emanuel: 'screw you, dude' But hey Rahm, "never let a crisis go to waste", you know what I mean?

-It's kind of like saying who is the most irritating player on the Yankee's, but the biggest jerk in Congress is...

-The GOP looks like they will fight hard for every seat up for vote in the Senate this fall. Nice.

Crist is Almost as Tone Deaf as Obama

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Charlie Crist has been pounded from the right by Marco Rubio who has entrenched himself as the conservative and his bonafides are rock solid. Crist got caught up in Obamania and was pictured with The One in a hug (right) while supporting his budget-busting legislation.

Crist is getting crushed in the primary battle and one would think he'd at least try to act somewhat conservative. You'd be wrong:

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Marco Rubio told the Sarasota Herald-Tribune that illegal immigrants should not count in the census, a position that would cost the state federal money and one that puts him at odds with Gov. Charlie Crist — his primary opponent — as well as the Republican-controlled legislature.

Rubio’s spokesman told the paper that his position was based on “rightful representation in Congress and ensuring that every voter has an equal voice.”

Today, Crist, trailing Rubio in recent polls, called the former state House speaker’s position “absurd.”

“Florida deserves to have her fair share. And I think making sure that we count every single Floridian is vitally important. That’s why I went to the school yesterday in North Miami,” Crist said.
Essentially what Crist is saying is "screw the rest of the country, let's count the illegals so we can get a bigger share of money forcefully taken from people in other states". That would be fraud anywhere else but not in the non-political world.

Crist is sucking up to Florida's immigrants who can vote but also to those who can't vote but will do so illegally. Again, fraud.

Does Crist not realize that it was the illegal alien issue that lost the presidency for John McCain. Bush also lost the support of his base--the only support he had at that point--because of this issue.

Rubio will rout Crist and win the seat sending a real conservative to the Senate and not another RINO. We already have far too many of them.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Tuesday Night News and Notes

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I like New Orleans in a high scoring game on Sunday. Brees and Manning will both light it up and it should be an enjoyable one.

Here's what's news:

-$2-trillion gone and not a damn thing to show for it. Obamanomics in a nutshell.

-I'm a pretty mellow guy for the most part but have been in a scrap (or eight) during my sports and Navy days. That said, there's one dude who I'd crack right in the face if I ever met him for being an arrogant bastard and spewing inane crap all over the place. ..well that and being a horrid sports commentator. That guy would be Keith Olbermann. We probably won't have Keith to smirk at us for much longer, however. Adios douchebag, maybe O'Reilly or Beck will let you clean their houses to make some coin. Bring over that one dude who still watches you to help.

-Kim-Jung-Il's totalitarian regime is even worse than I dared imagine. I expect that f-ing midget to send troops across the 38th parallel in the next decade.

-Obama's Illinois held elections today. Results should be intriguing.

-What does the Obama administration have against people with mental and physical problems? Dems are so tolerant and caring, aren't they? You may recall Obama described his bowling being equivalent to the "special olympics". Sarah Palin has her say.

-The individual states are telling Obama what they think of his healthcare plans.

Blanche Lincoln Getting Trounced By Guy Not Even Running Yet

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The Democrats have used every non-sequitur, throwaway line and mumbled reason for Scott Brown winning in Massachusetts. They claim it means nothing, nothing at all, move along, nothing to see here.

They've been in overdrive claiming it's not really about health care, it's about the economy and people are upset. It's not their lame policies you see, they just don't know enough about it. Vote for socialized medicine and you'll see it's a really good thing. Hell, the Canadian system is awesome, just ask their elected leaders.

There are quite a few incumbents who supported Obama and voted for Obamacare who may want to call their offices, starting with Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR):

John Boozman will enter the Arkansas Senate race this weekend as the frontrunner. He leads incumbent Blanche Lincoln by an amazing 56-33 margin in our first poll of the race.

Lincoln's approval rating has sunk to just 27%, with 62% of voters in the state disapproving of her. She's at a middling 51% even within her own party and just 17% of independents and 9% of Republicans are happy with how she's doing.

A look inside the health care issue gives a good indication of how Lincoln has managed now to get it from all sides. 61% of voters in the state oppose the President's plan, and among those folks Lincoln's approval rating is just 8% with 79%of them expressing the belief that she's too liberal.
Note that most people don't even know who Boozman is and still he's winning. Essentially, some dude name Not Blanche Lincoln could run as long as he's a Republican and win by 20%.

Expect Sen. Lincoln to be coerced by a Ambassador posting in some exotic locale to get out of the race. Either that or have Obama campaign for her, he's been so successful in winning over Olympic voters, climate change zealots, Virginia voters, Massachusetts voters...

Reuters Bows to Obama

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Reuters has always leaned to the left and at times sounded more like Pravda or TASS than the Soviet organizations themselves did. Today, they've solidified their hold on the title of News Agency That Kisses Obama's Ass The Most. Congrats on the win, boys:

Obama administration aides appealed to the Reuters White House reporting team to kill a story by another reporter of the news service that suggested the president's new budget blueprint included "backdoor" tax hikes.

A White House official told TPMDC the Reuters story was "falsely stating that the President's budget raises taxes for middle class families, when in fact the opposite is true."

The official said when the administration saw the story, published yesterday afternoon, they contacted one of the Reuters White House correspondents.
Note how the media has failed to correct many of these stories about conservatives allegedly doing something but immediately pulled an article when asked by the liberal president.

Newspapers were meant to keep politicians in check but that ethos has all but been lost on the MSM with the exception of Fox News, the Wall Street Journal and the NY Post. The Founding Fathers must be rolling in their graves.

Monday, February 01, 2010

US Gearing Up For Iran Engagement

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Iran is still acting froggy and even threatened today to cure us of our arrogance. Despite the repeated admonishments from the UN backed by threats of a fierce wrist slapping and bed without dinner, Ahmadinejad seems poised to take his nation over the edge.

The US Navy has moved anti-missile assets into the Arabian Gulf and placed ground-based Patriots in several nations to fend off a missile attack should the Islamic Republic act on their threats and start a regional war no one wants.

Unfortunately, a test designed to intercept an Iranian missile shot they are capable of failed today:

WASHINGTON, Feb 1 (Reuters) - A U.S. attempt to shoot down a ballistic missile mimicking an attack from Iran failed after a malfunction in a radar built by Raytheon Co (RTN.N), the Defense Department said.

The abortive test over the Pacific Ocean coincided with a Pentagon report that Iran had expanded its ballistic missile capabilities and posed a "significant" threat to U.S. and allied forces in the Middle East region.

The Missile Defense Agency said that in Sunday's test both the target missile, fired from Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands, and the interceptor, from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, had performed normally.

"However, the Sea-Based X-band radar did not perform as expected," the agency said on its web site. Officials will investigate the cause of the failure to intercept, it said.
I disagree with the credit where credit is due sentiment expressed by Karl. Democrats have been trying to shut down funding for what they called "Star Wars" back in the days of Reagan and we haven't nearly perfected the technology to make missile defense reliable. We have had numerous successful tests so it may indeed work and better to fail in a test than when missiles are en route to Tel Aviv.

Speaking of Israel, they can't sit back and just hope we take care of things for them. They must gear up as we speak and I wouldn't be too surprised to see an attack on a par with the daring Osirak raid go off within weeks.

The ridiculous coddling of the Iranian ayatollahs and their stooge Ahmadinejad has proven to be an epic failure. Obama--in his naive approach favored by weak liberals--has allowed old Mahmoud to steal an election, laugh at us, threaten us and supply those who are killing our troops while keeping hope alive that the Iranians will see the brilliance he possesses and come to the table. Uh, no. They understand strength and power and Obama has to say forcefully that we will take action if Iran launches at any nation. No, the mealy-mouthed rhetoric we usually hear from the administration won't do this time. If they launch at Haifa, we have a war that will engulf the entire Mid-East, drive oil prices through the roof and force us to defend Israel, thus motivating thousands to join al-Qaeda in the war they want.

This is no time for nuance and thoughtful contemplation. This is a time for straight talk and even more overt action. Place two or three DDG's on the coast outside the 13-mile recognized range and let them sit until the self-proclaimed date by Ahmadinejad. Then encourage those that are leading the revolution covertly by supplying money and assets. The next ten years depends on action taken today.