Monday, November 19, 2007

Obama and Hillary Battling in Iowa

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Hillary has always had a major handicap when it comes to campaigning, no not Bill but he hasn't helped all that much.

No, Hillary's problem is that she takes so many sides on an issue or no side at all that people don't trust her. Triangulation was a Clinton invention, Bill Clinton that is with help from Hillary and Carville, but Hillary is the Clinton that can't quite pull it off. The lip bite, the tear when it was called for and the glad handing made people believe that Bill felt your pain. Hillary just comes off as unfeeling and the public is noticing. Where "Slick Willy" was so smooth that even if you knew he was a sheister, you still liked the guy, Hillary just leaves you feeling like you need a shower.

Obama is taking advantage of that and his (feeble) message is catching on in Iowa:

A growing focus on fresh ideas coupled with lingering doubts about Hillary Clinton's honesty and forthrightness are keeping the Democratic presidential contest close in Iowa, with Barack Obama in particular mounting a strong race against the national front-runner.

Most Democratic likely voters in Iowa, 55 percent, say they're more interested in a "new direction and new ideas" than in strength and experience, compared with 49 percent in July -- a help to Obama, who holds a substantial lead among "new direction" voters.
Here (PDF) are the numbers you can read for yourself. Obama is making it a race and the march to Hillary's coronation may well be a march through a mind field.

Buckle in folks, a Hillary who is losing will be a bloggers dream.

More from AP at Hot Air here.

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