Saturday, November 17, 2007

Debunking the Truthers Again

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We've all read the Popular Mechanics study on the collapse of the Twin Towers, they painstakingly explained in plain English how the towers fell floor upon floor. That's not been enough for the "Truthers" who still are fixated on the collapse of both towers and WT 7.

Another magazine--Structure (link in PDF)-- has joined in the debunking and shows in perfect detail the "kinking" of the penthouse on the north side and the subsequent dropping of the penthouse that started the entire collapse. I'm no engineer but the explanation makes sense as to why the buildings collapsed inward and down and didn't fall over or fall in some other manner.

Of course the idiot Truthers will not buy into this because, just as global warming zealots have done, they've developed a cottage industry and they aren't about to agree with any rational explanation that would be presented.

Is it any surprise that these morons and Ron Paul supporters have united?

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