Happy hump day.
Heres' what's happening:
-Ann Coulter on the Trayvon Martin incident. More at AOSHQ.
-Adios Newt. Don't let the door hit ya in the ass. Time for Santorum and Dr. Paulo to bail as well.
-A young black man shot two Brits in Florida and was convicted. A hate crime? Perhaps but one that will never be reported anywhere but the British press. What's the difference between this and the Trayvon Martin case?
-Have we ever had more of an idiot one heartbeat from the oval office?
-Hey, a girl has to make a living, right?
-It's important to observe these special days. No, not Easter or Passover, the events commemorated for those were minuscule in the whole scheme of things. What, a Jewish dude was crucified and a Moses led slaves out of bondage, what the hell's the big deal? Really, Earth Hour is infinitely more important as we pay homage to the real god; Gaia. Supposedly to honor her, we're supposed to
I didn't know the Enviromentalrepublican was an Athiest.
Only on Sundays and Earth Hour.
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