Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tuesday Night News & Notes

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How y'all doing out there. Not posting as often since business travel calls, which means dinners out and little time. I will admit, I'd have rather been watching Louisville beating Michigan State in downtown Louisville than blogging which is what I was indeed doing.

Here's what's news tonight:

-The creator of the iconic Obama "Hope" poster is not very hopeful right about now.

-No one gives you up to date war on terror happenings like Bill Roggio.

-When a San Francisco anti-Obama rally draw huge crowds, it doesn't bode well for The One.

-Shocker! Global warming models are wrong once again.

-This would be the definition of a bad day.

-Finally, a little music from what was a great incarnation of the epic band Yes. Trevor Rabin was awesome on this album and tour, which I saw at the late, great Philly Spectrum which Yes played 23 times:

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