Monday, June 29, 2009

Sotomayor, Racial Demagogues Take a Hit From SCOTUS

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Merit-based promotions were proven to be the correct method of promoting people. You know, back in the day where hard work and education were actually rewarded by employers before the government stepped in and unconstitutionally instituted racial quotas.

In our brave, new post-partisan world where Obama was elected, race isn't supposed to matter anymore and 5 out of 9 justices said so today:

The Supreme Court's reversal Monday of a discrimination ruling involving a group of white Connecticut firefighters has provided critics of high court nominee Sonia Sotomayor with some fresh ammunition.

Republican senators and conservative groups contend that the justices' 5-4 ruling on Ricci vs. DeStefano represents a rebuke of Sotomayor's handling of the case. She was a member of a three-judge panel on the federal appeals court in New York that heard the action and sided against the white firefighters.

"This case will only raise more questions in the minds of the American people concerning Judge Sotomayor's commitment to treat each individual fairly and not as a member of a group," said Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Sotomayor is a fan of the justice is not blind camp and was rebuked by the right-thinking justices. Perhaps we'll finally put an end to the quotas debate once and for all.

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