Sunday, June 07, 2009

Obama Turning America Into an Endangered Nation of Pussies

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This will not turn out to be in our best interests (via JWF):

THE Pentagon now confirms that at least 74 former Guantanamo detainees have resumed terrorist activities after claiming they weren't terrorists.

Such recidivism points up an alarming intelligence failure.

These dangerous prisoners should never have been cleared for release. Why did interrogators fail to find the cracks in their stories and alibis?
Why indeed. It couldn't be because Obama, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Dems have threatened to bring charges against those who use enhanced interrogation techniques, could it? Why yes, yes it could.

In a word, politics. Gitmo interrogations have been emasculated to placate critics of waterboarding and other "torture," say two senior officials there.

Even known terrorists are spared high-pressure techniques -- tactics that have worked before in squeezing out information.

For that matter, Gitmo doesn't even do "interrogations" anymore. They're now called interviews, and they're voluntary.
You read that correctly, they are "voluntary". I could see it now: "Er, excuse me Mr. Shaikh Mohammed, would you mind if I politely discussed the plot to bomb buildings in California with you? Uh, my mother is a whore and my father licks goat balls, OK sir, I'll take that as a no. Very sorry to bother you sir."

It gets oh so worse:

"We have on numerous occasions gotten literally straight-from-the-schoolhouse interrogators who are being stuck in with these hardened jihadists," a top security official at Gitmo told me. "And they essentially look at them and laugh."

..."They get played by detainees, who end up getting released because the interrogators believe them when they say they don't know anything and just want to go home and be a goat herder," he says.
Yeah, we know what they do with the goats and it ain't herding but I digress.

Anyway, it seems that Gitmo in the age of The One is truly Club Gitmo and it seems to be having a real effect on the jihadi's. Said one former detainee about the documents they signed saying they wouldn't go back to the terror business:

Another Gitmo recidivist, Slimane Hadj Abderahmane, laughed at the anti-violence agreement he signed. Once free, he re-engaged in terror and said, "This document is toilet paper for the Americans if they want it."
So much for the jihadi's buying into the hope and change thing, huh Barack?

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