Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Midwest and Northeast Way Colder Than Normal...I Blame Global Warming (or George W. Bush)

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As soon as Global Warming swindlers realized that they look awful silly making GW speeches in extremely cold temps, they changed it from GW to "climate change". They may have to change it again to global cooling:

One of the reasons for this could be colder-than-normal weather across the northern tier of the country that has suppressed the number of thunderstorms and has significantly reduced the number of tornadoes this year. The number of reported tornadoes so far this year is 685, just over half of the average annual amount, which is 1,297.

According to Long Range Expert Joe Bastardi, areas from the northern Plains into the Northeast will have a "year without a summer." The jet stream, which is suppressed abnormally south this spring, is also suppressing the number of thunderstorms that can form. The ones that do form in areas of the Ohio Valley and West are forming in places with very cold temperatures, which can lead to more electrified thunderstorms than normal this year.
Emphasis mine.

The year without a summer? That would mean temps well below normal and interestingly that corresponds with a dearth in sunspot activity indicating once and for all that there is a correlation. In other words, global temps have a lot are cyclical and are naturally occurring so no amount of money, legislative action or restrictions on carbon dioxide will make a damn bit of difference.

Don't tell that to this guy, though.

In other words, the Great Global Warming Swindle has been exactly that, swindlers using pretzel logic to keep the money flowing from governments and idiotic believers.

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