Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Obama Embarrases Brits Again

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George W. Bush supposedly killed our relationship with Europe; Obama is burying it and pissing on the grave to boot:

The Obama administration says it may curtail Anglo-American intelligence sharing if the British High Court discloses new details of the treatment of a former Guantanamo detainee.

A court filing from the British Foreign Office released recently includes a letter from the U.S. government, identified as the "Obama administration's communication." Other information identifying the U.S. agency and author of the letter appears to have been redacted.
Hit the link and read the letter. Obama is threatening one of our greatest allies saying he will withhold intel in a crucial moment. We need MI-5 and the other Brit intel sources on everything from Iran to north Korea as they may have better placed agents, spies and an overall better covert operation--and one that will take more chances than our recently neutered CIA.

Instead, Obama talks to them as if they were a child and in doing so alienates us more than Bush ever could have.

What does Obama have against Her Majesty's Government any way?

More here.

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