Sunday, May 17, 2009

Maureen Dowd Plagiarizes Blogger

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The end of the NY Times op/ed page is upon us. I say this with great glee and in full enjoyment of the schadenfreude. See here where it clearly shows Dowd straight up stole the words of TPM's Josh Marshall. TPM lays it out in all its glory:

Now, I'm all for cutting & pasting. As a blogger I do it all the time, but I always give credit.

So, if this isn't outright plagiarism by a top NY Times Editorialist, than I'm a happily married, straight man with 4 kids, 2 dogs, a lovely 2nd wife of 15 years with a girl half my age on the side.

Which I assure you all, I am not.
Dowd, of course, gives a weak response to the charge:

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, in an email to Huffington Post, admits that a paragraph in her Sunday column was lifted from Talking Points Memo editor Josh Marshall's blog last Thursday.

Dowd claims that she never read his blog last week but was told the line by a friend of hers. In a follow-up email, she forwarded her desire to apologize to Marshall, writing that had she known, she would have gladly credited Marshall.

Dowd notes that the Times is fixing her column online to give proper credit to Marshall and that a correction will run tomorrow...
She heard the line and remembered it nearly verbatim and used it in a column? Uh, okay MoDo.

Note in the TPM link she was all over Biden for stealing the words of Neil Kinnock so the hypocrisy level is somewhere close to an eleven.

I've always been a huge believer that Dowd has mailed it in. Now I'm sure. Much better writers have been fired for less than this.

Old media gets done in by new media again.

Update: What he said.

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