Thursday, May 14, 2009

GOP Gearing Up For Climate Change Battle

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The two central issues facing the GOP right now are universal health care and global warming climate change spending. With the US credit rating dropping like a stone and enormous amounts of money still needed to pay for the two Obama programs, the GOP is starting to form a lucid battle plan.

On climate change, the Republicans are playing on the memories of $4 gas we experienced last year and using that to fight the Obama global warming agenda:

Republicans believe that rising gas prices are their trump card against a Democratic-sponsored climate change bill.

The GOP is struggling to regain footing after two successive electoral blowouts, but party leaders are relishing an opportunity to debate what they call a “national energy tax.”

The Democrats’ plan of moving a cap-and-trade bill this summer plays into GOP hands because as the cost of gasoline spikes, so does the public’s awareness of energy prices, Republican leadership aides say.
The prices of everything will rocket up once inflation kicks in but gasoline is an easy one to focus on as people fill up every week and see the prices going steadily north. If we approach $3 a gallon, most people will listen and the passage of any legislation raising prices will be vehemently fought. The GOP needs a clear, coherent strategy that conveys to the public exactly what the Obama plan will cost.

The health care battle will be tougher but this one is a good beginning.

Update: Oops, spoke to soon. Rep. Jeff Flake is signing on to a carbon tax with other Republicans. What the hell are they thinking? Count on the GOP to screw up any advantage.

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