Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pushing the Multilateral Meme

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Back when we invaded Iraq, the MSM took it as gospel that we invaded unilaterally. This despite the fact that we had 15 other nations providing significant support in our effort to topple Saddam. It was a meme they wouldn't let go of regardless of the fact it that it alienated our crucial allies. George W. Bush was a cowboy, George W. Bush invaded because he was avenging his father and George W. Bush did it unilaterally. End of discussion.

But now that we have The One in power, the unilateral angle just won't be sufficient. We can't have the world continue to think us a cowboy--cowboys are uneducated buffoons from Texas with no culture who sit around the camp fire and pass gas like in Blazin' Saddles. Obama is smarter than any president, more cultured and more urbane. He's decidedly not a cowboy.

But then a funny thing happened, Obama ordered deadly force used against a group of young pirates who took an American hostage. He gave the order that resulted in three teenagers getting their heads blown off by highly-trained Navy SEALs. He acted in a unilateral fashion and acted like a, well, cowboy.

The MSM couldn't have that, it didn't fit the meme. US warships arrived at the scene and US warships were responsible for the release of the captain being held. US Navy SEALs burst the heads of the pirates like ripe grapes--how to make it fit so Obama is not seen as a go it alone American who directs our military to take unilateral action. How to make him not seem uncultured and like a gunslinger.

But wait, they hit on an idea; make up a story. Yeah, that's it, we'll say he French are involved now thanks to their new love of Obama and everything good about him and America:

MOMBASA, Kenya - The United States and its allies battled Somalia's pirates on two fronts yesterday, with French forces seizing a bandit mother ship and the Obama administration announcing it will take the unusual step of trying to seize pirates' financial assets and property.
Allies? I thought we had no allies (with the exception of the Aussies, British, Polish, Japanese...).

No, they couldn't have Obama portrayed as the shoot first, ask questions later type because he would seem so much like the vile George W. Bush and we couldn't have that. Obama is brilliant, intellectual and smooth while Bush was just an inbred country hick from Texas who shot any man who crossed him. He was uncultured and not nuanced enough to handle these important issues.

So what if another nation's vessel wasn't within 200 miles, we'll say the effort is a joint effort. Now we are a nation that has "allies" and do everything "multi-laterally" not "unilaterally" like the cretin W did.

Glad to know we still are using the military that was hated by the left for years to take care of business.

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