Sunday, April 19, 2009

Obama Trashes Civil Rights

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The left went insane when President Bush conducted communications surveillance of terror suspects with credible evidence. I can't wait to hear how they white-wash this bit of civil rights insanity:

Law enforcement officials are vastly expanding their collection of DNA to include millions more people who have been arrested or detained but not yet convicted. The move, intended to help solve more crimes, is raising concerns about the privacy of petty offenders and people who are presumed innocent.

Until now, the federal government genetically tracked only convicts. But starting this month, the Federal Bureau of Investigation will join 15 states that collect DNA samples from those awaiting trial and will collect DNA from detained immigrants — the vanguard of a growing class of genetic registrants.
Where's the ACLU? The new administration is squashing civil rights in ways Dick Cheney could never have dreamed. Innocent people are subjected to DNA sampling and the results are entered into a database in clear violation of the Constitution and the left says nothing.

Every American has the right to be assumed innocent until proven guilty, at least they did until now. With the civil rights squashing machine of the Obama regime running rampant over everything America previously stood for, who knows how long that will last.

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